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Do you have some basic programming skills and want to use IBM Robotic Process Automation platform to develop RPA scripts? So, we have the perfect course for you: IBM Robotic Process Automation programming 101 . In this course, you get started with the IBM RPA Studio tool to...
The course about integration of IBM Robotic Process Automation with external APIs is among us! What you need to know to create web APIs requests for your bot using the IBM RPA commands is in this course. Look at the topics: What are APIs and how IBM RPA...
Lab 1 - Build your first IBM RPA bot.pdf
This user group community has been created to generate awareness, share challenges and apply best practices for improving Performance and Quality for IBM Maximo business processes. This includes manual, automation of regression, functional, integration, end to end testing scenarios and...
Announcement: IBM Robotic Process Automation 21.0.2 We are pleased to announce some exciting upcoming enhancements for the new release of IBM Robotic Process Automation 21.0.2. The container deployment for Cloud Paks will be Generally Available (GA) on Dec 17, 2021, while the standalone on...
This short video demonstrates how to automate a Notes application using IBM RPA. #CloudPakforBusinessAutomation #Notes #RPA
Introducing the value proposition of IBM RPA #RPA
Heads up! The self-service Hands On Labs built for Think 2021 will be available until 4 PM CST May 27 in a self-guided, self-paced environment. That’s just a few more days to immerse yourself in some of the newer elements of the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation, IBM Cloud Pak for...
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IDC predicts that, by 2024, enterprises powered by AI will be able to respond to customers, competitors, regulators, and partners 50% faster than those that aren’t using AI. [1] #Highlights-home #RPA #Robotic-Process-Automation #AI #WDG #Blog #Highlights
See how to automate more than Robotic Process Automation (RPA) on its own by using cloud SaaS APIs for document capture and business rule decisions. Tags: #AutomationPlatform #business-automation #Cloud #hybrid-cloud #Robotic-Process-Automation #RPA