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The 2.0.58 SC update to Planning Analytics on Cloud brings with it, a significant UI change to Planning Analytics Workspace as well as many new and rich features within the product. This update will change the look and feel and also the current navigation experience in Workspace. You can find...
Do you or your organization require access to a financial and performance management software? Do you need privacy for your digital information? Encryption is the most effective way to achieve security for your information, and you can now easily set up and access PGP encryption for IBM®...
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When you purchase IBM Planning Analytics, we'll email you a link to a Box@IBM folder, which contains the Welcome Kit. The Welcome Kit is your starting point to unlocking the potential of Planning Analytics. The Planning Analytics Welcome Kit file contains a set of account and system information...
Planning Analytics (on Cloud) customers using TM1 Application Workflow may experience an issue when taking ownership of a node, but the Commit/Submit buttons are not enabled and the Ownership button remains available. The issue is caused by CamelCase user names in the )Clients dim. For...