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Watson Machine Learning Accelerator is available as a part of the Watson Studio family of AI tools on Cloud Pak for Data. It is a GPU accelerated deep learning service that allows you to share GPU resources across business units and deliver faster training results. Find more resources at http:...
更多资源详见 http://ibm.biz/deep-learning . Accelerate deep learning in notebooks 本视频将展示如何通过notebook使用 Watson Machine Learning Accelerator API加速 GPU 上的深度学习模型训练 Balance deep learning workloads with Elastic Distributed Training 本视频向您展示如何在Cloud Pak for...
Events & Webinars coming up: WebSphere User Group (WUG) Roadshow 2021 : https://ibm.biz/WUG-roadshow2021 App Transformers (Tuesdays twice a month): http://ibm.biz/IBMExpertTV-AppTransformers 02 Mar 2021 - WebSphere Hybrid Edition and App Modernization 16 Mar...