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Our latest ISV Spotlight features a pioneer in fintech Desktop as a Service (DaaS), Dizzion Inc. CEO and co-founder Rob Green sat down with us to share more about their journey to become FS Validated. Green is an accomplished technology executive with extensive experience in leading software...
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This month’s ISV Spotlight features Circeo, a multi-national SaaS company offering the latest in SaaS lending and leasing technologies for tier-one banks, while strictly adhering to compliance and regulation requirements. Their lead offering, TheLoanFactory, is now live in 13 countries and...
Our ISV Spotlight focuses on global artificial intelligence software company Tovie AI, based in London, England. I recently sat down with their CEO, Joshua Kaiser, to discuss Tovie AI's value proposition, their journey to becoming an IBM Financial Services (FS) Validated Independent Software...
Our June ISV Spotlight series features Yields.io, a model risk management software company based in Brussels, Belgium. Recently, co-founder Jos Gheerardyn sat down with us to talk about the IBM Financial Services Validated certification process, how they got started, and how he feels it benefits...