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Discover the new IBM Robotic Process Automation (IBM RPA) professional level course version 21.0.2: Data table and Office pack with IBM Robotic Process Automation . In this course, you will learn how to develop scripts in RPA Studio to automate Office pack (Excel, Word and PowerPoint) and data...
Announcement: IBM Robotic Process Automation 21.0.2 We are pleased to announce some exciting upcoming enhancements for the new release of IBM Robotic Process Automation 21.0.2. The container deployment for Cloud Paks will be Generally Available (GA) on Dec 17, 2021, while the standalone on...
Deploying an end to end solution on automation cloud pak is cumbersome. Each component/feature in this cloud pak is a product in itself and there is no platform wide export/import facility to save and restore an industry solution. Each product has its own export/import functionality and APIs...
IBM RPA unique feature is a chatbot which can be developed in the Studio. Like a normal bot it can do various automation tasks. Its main benefit comes when we embed it into a webpage. While many would be aware of how to develop a script or would have seen the chatbot functionality in the Studio,...
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The first inaugural IBM Build-A-Bot Challenge has come to a close. The two winners of $10,000 each have been announced and the contest team is wrapping up the proceedings and reflecting on what we learned. We learned a lot. We learned that IBM Automation has an agile and enthusiastic...
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