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Data quality SLA rules enable organizations to monitor the quality of Critical Data Elements and manage remediation tasks for quality issues. Watch this demo video to learn about Data Quality SLA rules in IBM Knowledge Catalog. #DataQuality #datagovernance
SLA Demo.mp4
Data quality is an essential factor in daily business operations and key decision-making processes. Customers spend a large amount of their budget and focus, on ensuring that the data is reliable. In any Product Information Management (PIM) ecosystem, the core foundation of solution...
Many companies strive to have a 360-degree view of their data to personalize their customers’ experience, present the next best offer, track trends, and identify inefficiencies. Having a trusted, comprehensive 360 ° view is the golden ticket to improved business productivity and decision...
A data lake is a centralized repository for managing extremely large data volumes. It serves as a foundation for collecting and analyzing structured, semistructured, and unstructured data in its native format to drive new insights, better predictions, and improved optimization. Unlike...
Most organizations recognize that data is a critical enterprise asset. However, if not properly governed, data can quickly prove to be a liability with the potential to cause financial and reputational damage. How should enterprises navigate the trade-offs inherent in delivering...