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Explore pre-built DFDL schemas on GitHub. #GitHub #AppConnectEnterprise(ACE) #DFDL #DFDL-schema
Steve Hanson Published on November 18, 2015 / Updated on December 15, 2020 DFDL schemas are available for many different industry standard message formats. Here is a quick summary of the schemas and where they may be found: ISO8583 Versions 1987 and 1993. Packed and...
Published 11/7/2015 https://github.com/DFDLSchemas #DFDL #DFDL-schema #GitHub #AppConnectEnterprise(ACE)
Kevin Safford Published on March 27, 2014 / Updated on November 23, 2015 Import DFDL schema files from your file system into the IBM® Integration Toolkit . You can import schema files that you have created outside the Toolkit, or that you have downloaded from GitHub and...