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products versions - webMethods Integration Server version: 10.15 and above, probably all supported versions Introduction Setting up WmFlatFile to read CSV files where the first line contains the field names is a cumbersome and error-prone task. The JT FlatFile package automates this and...
Rob Phippen Published on October 18, 2017 / Updated on November 27, 2018 Overview It is very common for applications that work with tabular data to be able to export and import that data in the ‘CSV’ (Comma Separated Values) format. The CSV Parser node makes it really...
Sam Hughes Published on September 10, 2018 / Updated on September 26, 2018 A comma-separated values file or CSV file is a text file which stores records separated by line breaks, with individual fields in each record separated by commas. An optional header row gives...