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Should you be an IBM Champion?

By Libby Ingrassia posted Tue October 15, 2019 01:10 PM


Should you be an IBM Champion?

The best way to understand the IBM Champion program is to know an IBM Champion – and maybe you’re already looking in the mirror at one. Do you think you know a Champion? Here are 5 questions to ask yourself about your technical community. Do these sound familiar?

  • Do you give advice on IBM tech and products in person, on Twitter, on forums?
  • Do you regularly and consistently blog or share code?
  • Do you know everything there is to know about the IBM software or hardware at your organization, make it all work together, and are always the one answering questions?
  • Do you speak at or help to organize events?
  • Do you help to organize meetups, hackathons, or user groups?

If you are an expert, a mentor, a leader, and an advocate for the IBM product or technology you work with, you might be a future IBM Champion.

You can also nominate someone else in the community, if you put a name or a face to those 5 questions.

How to nominate an IBM Champion

Each year, IBMers, current Champions, and community members come together to nominate the best, brightest and most supportive leaders to become IBM Champions. You can participate in the process by, well, nominating yourself or someone you respect! It’s time to pick your person, gather the important details, and then…nominate!

Nominations for new IBM Champions are open through 5 22 November 2019, across IBM areas, including Data & AI and Analytics, Cloud and Cloud Integration, Blockchain, IoT, Power, Security, Storage, and IBM Z. (Current IBM Champions may renew through 9 November). In addition, we welcome developers to become Champions in cloud technologies and across areas. Not sure if you fit in one of those categories? Submit your nomination and tell us where you (or your nominee) have expertise. If you have specific questions, get in touch with me via email or on Twitter.

What IBM Champions do

Once selected, new Champions – YOU – will join the nearly 650 developers, technologists, business leaders, CXOs, and educators around the world who have demonstrated both expertise in and extraordinary support and advocacy for IBM technology, communities, and solutions.

Over the next year, Champions maintain their status by continuing their contributions, this time with additional input, help, and opportunities from a closer relationship with IBM. Champions each have specific areas of technical expertise and of advocacy and contribution. Champions speak at conferences, convene user groups and offer mentorship in the technical community, teach users to make the absolute best decisions around IBM technology, and provide invaluable user feedback that helps improve IBM’s products.

Through the program, IBM recognizes this ongoing leadership and expertise. Rewards by amplifying content, by providing exclusive access to and previews of IBM product launches, and by increasing their sphere of influence. And catalyzes their work by offering opportunities and showing Champions where their contributions can have the most impact.

A week in the life of an IBM Champion

Of course, IBM Champions are working hard to do their jobs. In addition, IBM Champions spend time in various special calls, internal communities, and other channels, such as a Slack where they can communicate regularly with other IBM Champions and with the program team. Through these channels, IBM shares early updates on news and product roadmaps. Then the Champions share feedback with IBM and take what they need to create their own content and educate their communities.

And perhaps most importantly, IBM fosters a two-way, nurturing relationship with the IBM Champions, which benefits IBM, the Champions, and the technical community.

IBM benefits by listening to the Champions’ experiences on the frontlines of IBM products in use. And by the impact that Champions have when they educate on, advocate for, and nurture in the technical communities they support.

Champions benefit by being recognized for their expertise and by having easy, direct access to the right IBMers. Champions may also receive more concrete benefits. These may include conference discounts, VIP access, digital credentials, logo merchandise, exclusive communities, feedback opportunities, and recognition and amplification via IBM’s social channels.

Finally, the entire technical community benefits as IBMers and IBM Champions come together to create content and increase knowledge.

Earn your star

Learn more about the program by reviewing the replay of our recent webcast and then take a moment today to nominate yourself or to raise up a star in your technical community by nominating them.

Nominate a (future) IBM Champion today through 22 November. IBM Champion class of 2020 will be announced in early January.

Links you need

More info about the program:

Nominate someone else:

Nominate yourself:

Webcast replay:



