IBM TechXchange Group

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  • 1.  My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Wed September 08, 2021 08:33 AM
    My Website (Amtex Enterprises) Loading Speed is Quite. How can I achieve to increase the speed of my page and rank on top of the search results?

    Sahil Jain

  • 2.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Tue November 02, 2021 08:50 AM

    Hi Sahil,

    I would recommend you to check for unused JSS and reduce the size of images to the lowest possible. It will definitely help you increase the load time of your website. You can also check out the report generated by google page insights and apply all the suggested changes. If you feel any problem resolving the issue you can contact our website design experts. We are the leading assignment help providing company in Australia. Our experts will help you resolve all the issues with ease.

    Thomas Campbell
    Essay Writing Help Expert
    Sydney NSW