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  • 1.  My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Wed September 08, 2021 08:26 AM
    My Website (Amtex Enterprises) Loading Speed is Quite. How can I achieve to increase the speed of my page and rank on top of the search results?

    Sahil Jain

  • 2.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Wed September 08, 2021 08:45 AM
    Try reducing the size of images used on the website. There are plenty of online tools that can help you do that without reducing much quality of the original picture. For ranking on any search engine, you will have to do SEO of your website with relevant stuff.

    Shivam Kumar

  • 3.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Wed September 08, 2021 08:47 AM
    Also, you can remove dead code and use a more efficient code. You can also consider upgrading to a premium paid domain to get additional benefits and better loading speed.

    Shivam Kumar

  • 4.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    User Group Leader
    Posted Wed September 08, 2021 10:58 AM
    I really recommend reading more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) you can start with this awesome blog

    Noureldin Ehab
    Software Engineering Student | Cyber Security Enthusiast | Red Team 🔴 | CTF Addict 👾

  • 5.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Thu September 09, 2021 03:11 AM
    Hello, you can go on Google Page Speed Insights. This webside from google is testing the speed of your Webside and shows you the problems you have on your side.

    Lukas Mannsfeld

  • 6.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Thu September 09, 2021 03:15 AM

    Lukas Mannsfeld

  • 7.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Thu September 09, 2021 03:17 AM
    When you scroll down you can see where you have problems on your webside. So you can change your code, picture sice and so on. Good luck and kind regards :)

    Lukas Mannsfeld

  • 8.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Mon October 18, 2021 09:49 AM
    Your site is new and it will take considerable time to bring it on the top rank. 
    Few things to check the progress. 
    a. Keep checking the alexa rankings.
    b. Remove useless items from the public folder
    c. Upgrade to a reasonable CMS.
    d. Start producing cutting edge content.

    Usama Nisar

  • 9.  RE: My Website loading speed is slow

    Posted Tue October 19, 2021 07:52 PM
    Have you already taken action on these suggestions?  When I accessed your site, it displayed in less than a second.

    Ross Burnett