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DB2 community edition deployment on Openshift

  • 1.  DB2 community edition deployment on Openshift

    Posted Tue March 02, 2021 03:44 PM

    Solution to be achieved:

    We are trying to simulate the external DB2 database system for IBM RIT testing which will be setup on the start-up of the container with the data required for the test to be run against it. We are looking for DB2 community edition for achieving this test case on Openshift either by helm chart or Openshift Operator.

    Options tried:

    1. Openshift version 4.6.16 doesn't support the chart available at below Github location as it doesn't support the helm version lesser than 3.0.

    Github notes - https://github.com/IBM/charts/tree/master/stable/ibm-db2

    1. DB2 Operator available in the Openshift catalogue is got installed without any issues then tried DB2u deployment using the Operator.

    Issues faced:

    • Incompatible DBu helm chart
    • DB2u deployment using Operator is failing to pull the image with below error using the entitlement key which we used for pulling the other images such as RTW, RTAS, ACE, MQ etc. Also, we have noticed DB2 image is not available in IBM software container registry which might be the reason for the image pull failure.
    Failed to pull image "cp.icr.io/cp/db2u.auxiliary.auth@sha256:2894b291112762c48f767232289acf862d62667762f9cad8990ac718d19fa3db": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error reading manifest sha256:2894b291112762c48f767232289acf862d62667762f9cad8990ac718d19fa3db in cp.icr.io/cp/db2u.auxiliary.auth: errors: denied: requested access to the resource is denied unauthorized: authentication required

    Tejashree Ksheersagar
