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    Posted Thu October 01, 2020 12:18 PM
    Hi all,

    I am (re-)building an ER set up and realised I don't really understand what CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE is used for.

    I have to look in the 11.50 documentation to find:
    "Specifies the location of the dbspace that Enterprise Replication uses to store the transaction record headers spooled from the send and receive queues."

    However all reference to this parameter seems to have been purged from the 12.10 and 14.10 manuals and I presume the 11.50 manual could be taken offline in the future.

    However it still appears to be a thing in 12.10 and 14.10 in that:
    • it is in the onconfig.std file
    • there is an entry for it in sysmaster:sysconfig

    My question is: is this parameter still current?


    (This parameter has the opposite status to CDR_APPLY, which is documented in the manual but for some reason is not in the onconfig.std file but I digress.)

    Benjamin Thompson



    Posted Wed October 07, 2020 04:21 AM
    I received an answer privately that this space is still used for headers with the bulk of the queue data being stored in the smart blob space specified in CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE. Ben.

    Benjamin Thompson