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  • 1.  InformixHQ on Windows questions

    Posted Fri February 05, 2021 06:25 PM

    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64) PATCHLEVEL = 4

    IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC7


    Our ERP which uses Informix just released an upgrade to Informix 12.10.FC13 so would be putting an agent on that server once upgraded. 


    We currently have OAT on a windows server that up for an OS refresh. And I was looking at moving to InformixHQ after the OS upgrade.  But have a question or two, since I couldn't find any information on installing InformixHQ on a Windows machine. I have some time now to get InformixHQ setup and thought would try.


    As I understand it InformixHQ come with IDS 14.10.x and if you are not using that version you can download the developers additions and use that to install informixHQ. Ok done that.  Have a copy of the windows developer edition.  Now the uncertainty comes in.


    Next I understand you need to install the Informix database software and it will install the InformixHQ jar file for later installation of that.  Now the cloudy part.  After I installed IDS and ran the jar file to install InformixHQ.  Do I need to leave IDS on that server or can I remove it and InformixHQ will still run?


    Has anyone installed InformixHQ on a windows server and have any tips or gotchas?  Or should I just scrap the windows server and go with a open Linux of some flavor?



    John David Adamski

    Sr. Sysadmin/DBA

    Graceland University

    1 University Place, Lamoni, IA 50140




  • 2.  RE: InformixHQ on Windows questions

    Posted Sat February 06, 2021 02:19 AM
    Hi, John.

    You do not have to install anything (unless you want your database catalog - collected data storing - also will be on that windows box).
    I think a good idea for you would be:
    1-review all InformixHQ architecture and choose your own desired setup
    2-configure and start server and agents accordingly

    Both of these topics can be obtained either from Informix official manuals, youtube channel with lots of videos, or some very good materials published by consultancy vompanies around the world.

    All of those can be found with a simple query on google eg "InformixHQ" .

    If you face some specific problem in any configuration part, ask us for more specific help ok?


    Alexandre Marini

  • 3.  RE: InformixHQ on Windows questions

    Posted Mon February 08, 2021 05:57 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:13 PM
    as i know, HQ comes also with 12.10.FC13 or FC14, just in case :)
    i prefer to install it on Linux instead of Windows

    for this question 'Do I need to leave IDS on that server or can I remove it and InformixHQ will still run?' i think you can let IDS without running any instance of course.

    John Smith

  • 4.  RE: InformixHQ on Windows questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon February 08, 2021 10:17 AM

    Informix HQ does not require an Informix instance running on the host that you are running the HQ web service, no.

    However, note that it is preferable, if you will have HQ saving history, to have a separate repository server instance for it to use other than the production servers that it will be monitoring! Otherwise, like OAT, its data storage operations will be impacting production server performance which is less than desirable. You can just configure a free Innovator-C Edition instance for the repository and configure a history purge policy that keeps the total storage under the IE storage limits. So, why not put that local to the HQ instance?

    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 5.  RE: InformixHQ on Windows questions

    Posted Tue February 09, 2021 08:11 AM

    I had forgotten that InformixHQ had added the history ability.  Will have to rethink this and might just do as you suggested.  And if doing the full install might switch to a open linux for OS.  More to think on.


    Thanks All!!

