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VS Code extension for Db2 DevOps experience

By Shilu Mathai posted Tue July 14, 2020 04:17 AM


VS Code extension for Db2 DevOps experience

shilu mathai Visits (691)

This document provides the steps to install the Db2 DevOps VS Code extension. It also provides the steps to use the extension.

  1. Install and start Visual Studio Code:
    1. Download and install Visual Studio Code on your machine.
    2. Launch Visual Studio Code.
  2. Install the Db2 DevOps Extension:
    1. The Db2 DevOps extension lets the user connect to a Db2 DevOps Server and perform operations. In Visual Studio Code, select ‘Extensions’ from the sidebar.
      1. Search for ‘Db2 DevOps’.
      2. Install the Extension.
        1. image
  3. Db2 DevOps: Manage connection profiles
    1. Follow these steps to create a connection profile and connect to a Db2 DevOps Serve. User can create, edit and delete connection profiles using Manage connection profiles.
    2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P or F1 to open the Command Palette
      1. image
    3. Type Db2 DevOps to display the Db2 DevOps commands, or type Db2 DevOps: Manage Connection Profiles, and then select Db2 DevOps: Manage Connection Profiles from the dropdown.
      1. image
    4. Please choose one of the options
      1. image
    5. User can create a Connection profile by entering the following details:
      1. Profile Name: Enter the Profile Name.
      2. Hostname: The Db2 DevOps server that user want to use.
      3. Port: Enter the Port number.
      4. Userid: Enter the name of a user with access to a Db2 DevOps server.
      5. Password: Enter the password for the specified user.
    6. User can test the profile by clicking on the Test Connection button
      1. image
    7. Click on “Save and Close” and Profile will be saved.
      1. image
      2. image
    8. User can Edit Connection profile by selecting a profile that the user wants to edit:
      1. Hostname: The Db2 DevOps server that user want to use.
      2. Port: Enter the Port number.
      3. Userid: Enter the name of a user with access to a Db2 DevOps server.
      4. image
    9. User can change the password by checking on the checkbox.
    10. Click on “Update and Close” and Profile will be saved.
    11.  User can Delete Connection profile by selecting a profile that user wants to delete.
      1. image
      2. Click on “Delete” and Profile will be deleted.
  4. Db2 DevOps: Connect:
    1. Select View > Command Palette > Db2 DevOps: Connect
      1. image
    2. Choose one of the 2 options
      1. image
    3. If the user uses the first option Connect using Parameters, it opens a Connection Parameters window.
      1. image
      2. Enter details such as Hostname, port, user id, password and click on “Connect ” for successful connection.
    4. If the user chooses the second Option: Connect using Profile and Press Enter
      1. choosing any of the connection profile.
      2. image
      3. After Successful connection – we can see the status in the left bottom corner.
      4. image
  5. Db2 DevOps: Operations
    1. Select View > Command Palette > Db2 DevOps: Operations
      1. image
    2. Enter Db2 DevOps: Operations, It will ask for two options, Before Selecting Create Instance make sure instance has been connected successfully.
      1. image
    3. A new Create Instance tab will be opened. Wait for data to be loaded.
      1. image
      2. Select Team, Application, Environment and enter the instance name, afterward click on Create Instance.

      3. Once the Create instance is Successful, we can see the status as

      4. image

    4.  On selecting the second option Get DDL, a tree view is created

      1. image

    5. User can select any instance in the tree, database objects will be listed under the selected instance by object types.

    6. ddl for the database object will be displayed in ddl.txt file once the user selects an object, user can make changes to the ddl

      1. image

    7. When the user saves the ddl.txt, it will ask for YES/NO so that changes can be applied to the server.

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    8. If the user doesn’t save the file but closes the file(ddl.txt), then vs code will prompt the user to save the file or Don’t Save. If the user selects save then Yes or No will be prompted so that changes can be applied to the server. If the user selects Don’t Save then changes are not applied.

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  6. Db2 DevOps: Pull Request
    1. Press Ctrl+Shift+P or F1 to open the Command Palette
      1. image
    2. Select Db2 DevOps: Pull Request. A new tab will appear asking for selecting the instance that user want to pull.
      1. image

      2. After selecting the instance, it gives the user an option to provide comment.
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      4. After pressing enter pull request will be made with comment.
  7. Db2 DevOps: Disconnect
    1. This option will disconnect the connection to Db2 DevOps server.
    2. image



  8. Db2 DevOps: Report an Issue
    1. This option opens the GitHub repository in a browser where the user can raise any issues related to this extension.



