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QMF for TSO/CICS: (Db2 12 FL508) Migration of simple and segmented table spaces to UTS

By Robin Zalud posted Thu October 22, 2020 01:15 PM


QMF for TSO/CICS has historically used multi-table simple and then multi-table segmented table spaces (MTS) to store tables created by the QMF SAVE DATA command. In a previous blog post, we discussed how deprecation of simple and segmented table spaces affected the QMF SAVE DATA command. We discussed how to move your current QMF SAVE DATA usage to universal table spaces (UTS). But at the time, we did not have any methodology to move already created MTS to UTS.  Now we have it.

As announced last week, Db2 for z/OS 12 Function Level 508 offers capability to move data from multi-table simple or multi-table segmented (non-UTS) table spaces to universal table spaces (UTS).


This is big news for our long time QMF for TSO/CICS SAVE DATA users!


Users who have many already populated MTS who wish to migrate to UTS can now do so using new capabilities announced in Db2 for z/OS 12 FL508. Using the new MOVE TABLE option of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement, users can move a table in an MTS to a UTS.  For all the details, please reference the Db2 for z/OS 12 blog entry or the Db2 for z/OS documentation.


Users may use any capable Db2 tool or utility that is available to perform the MTS to UTS migration.  


Attached to this blog entry is a zip that provides a QMF for TSO/CICS process that may be used for the MTS to UTS migration. The zip provides QMF objects that will generate a report based on Q.PROFILES.SPACE.  Also in the zip is a REXX exec that generates QMF procedures which will CREATE new UTS, ALTER TABLESPACE on the old MTS and generate a REORG to materialize the move. See the ReadMe in the attached zip for more information. It is not required that this QMF specific procedure be used to perform the migration of the QMF MTS.  If you do choose to use this, please let us know how it works or if you have problems. Comment here or send email to Robin Zalud at rzalud@rocketsoftware.com.


