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What is so different about the new Console

By Peter KOHLMANN posted Wed May 22, 2019 03:20 PM

In the Db2 Data Management Console you will find a lot that is familiar from your experience with Data Server Manager. It is a centralized, browser based interface that lets you manage, monitor, manage alerts and run SQL against one or hundreds of Db2 family databases. 

There are three things that will seem the most different. One you will notice the others are under the covers.

1. How we approach monitoring and problem determination.
2. Changes to the underlying architecture that will open the console to team collaboration, interface composition and extension with an fully open set of APIs. 
3. Our historical data is now stored in a single schema

Rapid Triage Home Page

For the IBM Integrated Analytics System team we developed what we call the Rapid Triage Home Page. At a high level the health and status of your database is represented by six stories. Pilots can understand their airplane through six core instruments that are in every aircraft from a Ultralight to the Space Shuttle. In the same way we have developed six core instruments to understand the availability, responsiveness, throughput, resource use, user contention and time spent in each database. What these instruments or "widgets" tell you make it easy to quickly understand the nature and status of your database on one screen. 
These same stories and metrics will also be available on a single enterprise homepage that will summarize all your databases from a single screen. Also from the database home page you will be able to drill in to deeper information to help analyze problems and improve performance. 

Open RESTful API
Everything we do through the user interface goes through a new RESTful API that is open and available. That includes APIs to run SQL, Manage Database Objects and Privileges, Monitor performance, load data and files and configure all aspects of the console. Along with complete and comprehensive documentation built into the user interface I am supplying examples of how you can write your own code in Python to access and exploit these new interfaces. 

Composable Interface
The user interface of the new console is built on a services architecture that allows you to compose parts of the interface in new ways. Each time you select a new page the URL uniquely identifies that part of the interface. If you sent that URL to another user of the console they can go to the same page you are seeing. With a small modification to the URL you can just embed that page into your own IFrame in your own webpage or Jupyter notebook. Notice that the page above doesn't include any of the navigation controls or anything other than the table browser. So if you just want to include our SQL Editor in your own webpage and don't want the whole console you now can. My sample code includes both API examples as well as examples in composition.

Team CollaborationShare ButtonAlong with being able to forward URLs we are working on being able to share simple browser links to share your work with other people. Try running Visual Explain against a statement and look for the "share this page" icon at the top right of the page. We will save the explain for 24 hours. In that time someone else who has access to the console and open that link and work with the live explain of your statement. 

One Schema to Record them All
All the Db2 Data Management Console history tables are in a single schema. Under the covers we have consolidated multipe types of monitoring into a single process of data collection and storage. You can find all our data stored in the IBMCONSOLE schema.
