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DB2 for z/OS Customer zPARM Survey Results

By Paul McWilliams posted Mon December 09, 2019 02:02 PM

This Db2 for z/OS News from the Lab blog entry was originally published on 2018-02-12.

By Chris Crone.

We recently surveyed close to 80 Db2 for z/OS customers about their Db2 subsystem parameter (zPARM) and application programming default settings (DECP). We collected the results in a report that summarizes the settings from more than 400 production environments and more than 800 development, test, and QA systems, including data from Db2 11 and Db2 12.

Our goal for this effort is to enable Db2 development to better understand how our customers configure and use Db2, and enable you to compare your Db2 settings to those of other customers. The Db2 development team can also use this data as we continue to simplify Db2.

Although the survey gathered data about for all of the Db2 zPARMs and DECP values, the initial survey report covers only a subset, focusing on the most important parameters. Let us know if you want to see the data for other particular zPARMs or DECP values. We have the data. Also let us know you want to see other statistical analysis (such as CROSSTABS). We welcome and encourage your feedback! Add your comments below, or send me an email, at the address in the report.

To see the survey report, sign in to IBM Community, join the Db2 for z/OS group, and then click Db2zPARMsurveyreport.pdf.

1 comment



Thu September 14, 2023 09:55 AM

As I just now joined I'd like to ask if there is a more recent report on the subject topic. Many clients now have moved to Db2 13, rising the question how the ZPARM landscape changed with this. It would also be of interest to hear on further progress regarding reduction of ZPARM's and, in consequence, simplification of the Db2 install CLIST dialogue panels.