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Db2 Data Management Console product space

By MARYIA RAKINA posted Wed April 21, 2021 09:29 PM


Welcome to Db2 Data Management Console space!

On this page you will find information about Db2 Console and links to key resources. 

What's Db2 Data Management Console?

Db2 Console provides a single design-driven database management experience from ground to cloud. Your whole team can work together to manage, monitor, receive alerts and optimize performance of one or hundreds of Db2 databases from a single screen. Learn more on the DMC product page and download today!



Key links:

Have a question?

  • Product set-up and capabilities: post a new message under "Discussion" section, our product and engineering teams will do our best to help.
  • Technical issue or a defect: search for Db2 Data Management Console on IBM Support portal page and open a case with the support team. It will allow us to better communicate with you and address your issues faster.

Have a feature request?

Open a new Idea in Aha Ideas portal under Db2 Data Management Console: Our product and development teams review your suggestions regularly; highest voted ideas are more likely to be considered for the upcoming releases.

