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IBM Db2 Administration Tool: Transfer ownership

By Jørn Thyssen posted Mon December 07, 2020 12:28 PM


IBM Db2 Administration Tool: Transfer ownership


IBM Db2 12 function level 500 introduced a new statement TRANSFER OWNERSHIP for transferring ownership of objects from one user to another. It is supported for databases, tablespaces, stogroups, indexes, tables and views.

Ownership of an object is important as the owner has implicit authorizations over an object including the ability to view the data. For this reason many customers want to transfer the ownership from personal users to system users.

Prior to Db2 12 FL500 changing the owner of an object required a disruptive unload, drop, recreate, load, rebind, and so on. With Db2 12 FL500 this is now a non-disruptive change.


IBM Db2 Administration Tool and Db2 Object Comparison Tool (AOC) supports this new function.

The IBM Db2 Tools support Db2 12 continuous delivery. Please see http://ibm.biz/Db2Tools_Compatibility for the complete overview across all tools or the AOC Knowledge Center page on Db2 Function Level Support.

Ad-hoc change of ownership


Using the AOC ISPF panels you can change ownership of any of the supported object types by using the new “XO” line command


Enter the new owner, and press enter:

And the owner of the object is now changed:


Deployment of objects with ownership changes


AOC can compare various source of Db2 objects and generally deploy changes to a target in the least disruptive manner.

In this case we are comparing DDL vs DDL, but AOC also supports DDL vs catalog, catalog vs catalog, and several object scenarios.

Here is the source and target DDL side-by-side showing a change in ownership


AOC will detect that the ownership has changed

And the WSL will reflect it can be implemented using the new statement:


