• 1.  What are the ways to verify that the Tririga Application is upgraded?

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 05:23 AM

    Is there a way to validate that the Tririga Application has been upgraded to the right version? I have upgraded the application version from 10.7 to 10.8 using the Object Migration and it shows that it is Imported state. When I click on the "I" icon on the right-hand side panel next to the profile, it still shows as 10.7. Ran the query (Database Query Tool) on the Admin console against the trxversiontx from the T_TRIAPPLICATIONVERSION1, it shows that it has 10.8 and all other versions that we have gone through. Is this the right way to validate? Any help/advice is appreciated.

    Jasper Chin

  • 2.  RE: What are the ways to verify that the Tririga Application is upgraded?

    Posted Thu October 31, 2024 08:33 AM

    You may need to restart the application for the correct version to show when you click on the "I" icon. For the application version it is only reporting the value of a field of a record in the triapplicationversion1 table. The upgrade OM creates this record when it is executed. I have seen sometime where the system had to be restarted for it to show the correct value. The information is probably queried on startup and is not dynamic. 


    Mark Johnson
    Senior Architect

  • 3.  RE: What are the ways to verify that the Tririga Application is upgraded?

    Posted Fri November 01, 2024 01:37 AM

    Yes, we restarted the IBM Tririga Liberty Service and the server. It still does not reflect in the "I" icon. Is there any place in Tririga that we can check the workflow that should be running to update that piece of informations?

    Jasper Chin

  • 4.  RE: What are the ways to verify that the Tririga Application is upgraded?

    Posted Fri November 01, 2024 09:50 AM

    In 10.8/3.8 There is a patch helper named " triPatchHelper - Synchronous - 10.8.0 - Main Patch Helper" that should get executed by the upgrade OM package. This workflow then creates a patch helper record that has the triCalculate transition triggered. This will then cause the workflow "triPatchHelper - triCalculate - 10.8.0 - Application Data - App Version" to fire. That workflow has a query that checks for the presence of the 10.8.0 record and  if it doesn't exist it creates it. If you had workflow instances on you could check if that workflow fired and its instance information to see if it created the record or not.  You can also run the same query it does which is "triApplicationVersion - Workflow - Find" and then filter the triVersionTX field on 10.8.0.

    If you need to you can manually trigger the patch helper to rerun by creating a patch helper with a name of "10.8.0" and then triggering the Calculate action to have the workflow execute and create the application version record for you. 


    Mark Johnson
    Senior Architect

  • 5.  RE: What are the ways to verify that the Tririga Application is upgraded?

    Posted Sun November 03, 2024 02:59 AM

    Thanks for the advice. We will check it out. 

    Jasper Chin