Financial Services Cloud Forum

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  • 1.  Welcome Our New Members for 3-Feb-2025

    Posted 23 days ago
    Welcome sign in yellow lights like a marquee at the movies

    Please welcome our 5 newest members to the Financial Services Cloud Forum 
for 3-Feb-2025.

    @Ken Adamson - Natwest

    @Amelia Aroda - BMO Financial Group

    @Daniel Balsom - Nomura

    @Jon Oluf Brodersen - Nordea

    @Olivier CHAMBERAUD - BNP Paribas

New members: we'd love for you to reply to this thread and introduce yourselves.

    Current members: please reply and welcome our newest forum members.


    Krista Summitt

  • 2.  RE: Welcome Our New Members for 3-Feb-2025

    Posted 22 days ago
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for welcoming us.

    I'm the Cloud & DevOps Leader for the Europe-Mediterranean banks of BNP PARIBAS.

    I'm more than happy to join this Financial Services Cloud community as one of our entity, wil soon get independent access to IBM raw services if their framework is FS compliant. Deployment within the dedicated Cloud should be performed under the FS Cloud framework with FS Cloud certified raw services, and SCC reporting to Cloud CISO.

    If you've experience in building such an environnement, I'll be happy to talk.

    Best regards.


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  • 3.  RE: Welcome Our New Members for 3-Feb-2025

    Posted 21 days ago

    Hi Olivier. As CTO for Financial Services in IBM technology France, I am engaged in on-boarding experiences on IBM Cloud for Financial Services, targeting the BNPP dMZR as landing-zone. This for selected ISVs as well as applications from BNPP BUs. (Cloud native or lift&shift). This involves alignment with FS Framework control sets as well as IBM FS Cloud reference architectures. Happy to exchange around this passionating topic.

    Christophe Sorre