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Member Spotlight- David Lanc - Co-Founder of Ionburst

By Krista Summitt posted Mon March 25, 2024 10:56 AM

David Lanc Member Spotlight
an image that says member spotlight

This month’s Member Spotlight features co-founder and inventor of Ionburst, David Lanc.

Ionburst is also a member of IBM Fintech Fast Pass program. He currently contributes to UK MOD StratCom,  a strategy group of UK, US and French Air Forces, and NATO Allied Command Transformation strategy for interoperability, data security and resilience. 

He is a former Strategy Director for RBS Cards Business, responsible for global payments strategy, e-commerce security, analytics, and growth, and a former consultant with Ernst & Young & Deloitte, majored in retail banking, interbank payments, multi-regulator data management and Basel II operational risk and resilience.

Last week, David sat down with me to talk about which functions he would advise banks not to offload, why he chose IT over accounting as a profession, and the "superpower" idea he has that all parents will appreciate.

  KS: So, David, how did you first get started in the IT business?  

DL: I have a joint degree in Accountancy & Computer Science. When I trained to be a chartered accountant, I was immediately transferred to Information Systems audit and consultancy. I found preferred tech to bean counting!

I became a systems accountant, systems development manager and then CIO, COO, CFO with CIO responsibilities and, ultimately, a bank director with IT in my portfolio. A facet many on the forum may recognize is the difficulty of getting to a C-suite position in an IT role. I found I was always preferred as COO or CFO.

My mix of skills enabled me to focus on information intensive industry change in the investment and ecommerce sectors, and large-scale integrations involving banks, insurance, and investment companies and mutuals. I’ve been involved in several “world firsts” and so startups ultimately provided me more of a challenge. I like that I get recognized for who I am, not who I work for, and I’m very happy working with great tech people.

KS: What new IT technology are you most excited about for 2024 and why?

DL: I am excited by the prospect of what AI may bring in important practical ways, such as cloud security and national resilience. I am also excited to see where the quantum computing world may take us.

KS: What advice would you give to financial institutions on cloud for 2024?  

DL: Firstly, keep your feet on the ground. Migrating to cloud isn’t like outsourcing. It’s difficult because you lose control of where your data actually is. Cloud supply chains are complex. It’s critical you properly understand the Shared Responsibility Model. You can’t offload your data compliance, security, or resilience.

Secondly, concentration risk is not just about data, but includes consideration of your skills capability, increased exposure, cost, and compliance. You need to consider innovative solutions that give you control over your data everywhere. You need to be assured it’s protected, compliant and recoverable wherever it is. You certainly don’t want to rely on traditional backups for cloud because they simply won’t scale or be agile enough.

Thirdly, migration is one of the most costly and exposed aspects of moving to cloud. Research solutions like Ionburst that provide bulk load capabilities with security by default built in, full reconciliations, and ability to audit start and end states, before you upload. That will give you assurance and save you money.

KS: What activity or contribution have you made to the IBM TechXchange Community that you are most proud of and why?  

DL: I’m proud I just rolled my sleeves up and started networking in the community. I followed some people and reached out to others. Some have been great, others haven’t responded yet, but that’s okay. I’m excited to make more contributions soon.

I plan to write my first blog and collaborate with IBMers and other forum members on aspects of common interest in the future. I’d like to contribute content about how we were able to deploy Ionburst on IBM Cloud within 2 weeks without much hassle and show off multi-cloud, multi-region, and hybrid-cloud data protection. It is a great testament to IBM Cloud’s ease of use and for those interested in storing data of diverse types in IBM Cloud or on premises.  

KS: Why is it important to you to be part of the Financial Services Cloud Forum?

DL:  Credibility - I’ve been a senior executive in several banks and financial services institutions, so I know how difficult it is for SMEs to get share of time and credibility. Working on the other side now as a fintech, it’s important I use my experience and the credibility the Financial Services Cloud Forum can give.

Collaboration - I want to collaborate with financial services institutions because I understand many of the pain points forum members feel today. It’s not about selling; it’s about collaborating so we build something better together. I can contribute while also feeling valued.

Focus on Control and Compliance - Other providers don’t have the embedded technology discipline of IBM. By that, I don’t mean other providers are not experts in their field. Ionburst has deployed on many Cloud platforms, and what I notice with IBM is the focus on control and compliance, which are hallmarks of financial prudence and stability.

KS: If someone is considering joining the IBM Financial Services Cloud community, what would you tell them?

DL: There’s a lot going on! Much is related to general tech issues. It takes time to find the forums that interest you, and more time to start interacting. It’s like getting on a train that’s already moving because others are in deep dialogue already!

That said, jump in. If you don’t try, you definitely won’t know. As I mentioned above, I’ve reached out to a few people. Most get back and we find our way, others don’t but that’s okay. The community is a series of interest groups. I like that, because it generally means either someone’s got something cool to say, or someone needs help. Sometimes both… that’s the spirit of community.

Complete your profile! It’s important. I find people want to know who you are, your experience, so they can interact accordingly, on common interest areas. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve asked a question of someone, and they’ve come right back at me to ask about my experience relevant to a problem they were grappling with.


   Lightning Round (fun questions)

   KS: Okay David, thanks. Now it's time for the our "Lightning Round" of fun questions. Are you ready?

   DL: Absolutely! Let's do this.

If you were a superhero what would be your superpower and why?

              A superpower I believe most parents would love to have- a remote control for kids, with the following buttons:

·       Silent – for those moments when they get too loud;

·       Tidy – for when you open the bedroom door and just can’t face it anymore;

·       Bed – for when “just another ten minutes” turns into, “just the next Harry Potter”;

·       Wash – for when you can’t see their hands or face for mud;

·       Hug – for when they (really) need their Dad;

·       Repeat – for when they grow up and you wish it all back!

Last podcast you listened to? BBC All day rugby

Favorite ice cream?  Vanilla

Current favorite app? Wordament-It’s a word search game.

Book you are currently reading?  War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

Your go-to karaoke song? I Would Walk 500 Miles by The Proclaimers

KS: David, it has been a delight to talk to you. I am so grateful for how you shared your knowledge and experiences, and the sense of humor you have about it all. One last thing, if someone wants to connect with you online, where can they find you?

DL:  Sure.

IBM TechXchange community: David Lanc



See the previous Member Spotlight here:

#financial-services, #fsccf-member-spotlight, #fintech, #Spotlight

