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Member Spotlight: Heidi Schmidt, CEO, PKS Software GmbH

By Financial Services Cloud Community Team posted Wed February 21, 2024 04:58 PM

To help you get to know your fellow members better, the Financial Services Cloud Council and Forum has launched a Member Spotlight Blog Series. First, we sat down with Heidi Schmidt, CEO of PKS Software GmBH. Heidi is based in Ravensburg, Germany, and is also an IBM Champion. In this interview, you’ll learn which IT technology she’s most excited about in 2024, her advice to financial institutions on the cloud, and the podcast she's been recommending lately,

Thank you for sitting down with me today, Heidi. To start, could you please tell me about your background.

I initially studied sociology, but then quickly switched to electrical engineering. Today, you would say I studied socio-informatics. This combination of people and technology has accompanied me throughout my professional life.

Today, I am CEO of PKS Software GmbH and, with a team of over 75 experts, I advise and support legacy transformation at banks, insurers, and the upper mid-market in industry. I live with my husband on Lake Constance in Germany and have two sons.

How did you get started in the IT business?

I started in the IT industry as an SAP consultant at Hewlett Packard. I wanted to consult at the executive level on the business side, so I moved over to Morse GmBH as a Managing Consultant, then to PKS.

What new IT technology are you most excited about for 2024 and why?

The use cases of AI for legacy software modernization, especially how AI can help to make the high value of legacy code more visible again, instead of always condemning it and wanting to get rid of it.

What advice would you give to financial institutions on cloud for 2024?

Urgently consider which of the many cloud setups is best suited to your own organization. Also, ensure that you contractually secure the way back from the cloud or from one cloud to another from the outset.

What activity or contribution have you made to the IBM TechXchange Community that you are most proud of and why?

I gave a presentation at TechXchange in Barcelona in January 2024 on the topic of "How to attract young people to legacy transformations through sustainability in software development".

Why was it important to you to be part of the Financial Services Cloud Forum?

Because I advise many financial institutions and accompany them in their legacy transformation. It's important for me to engage with members of the community, follow what they are discussing, what their pain points are, and the content IBM is sharing. I also find it valuable to share best practices in the discussion forum.

If someone is considering joining the IBM Financial Services Cloud community, what would you tell them?

It's worth it! Since this community is focused on the industry, not products, it is a great way to share best practices and ask questions of your peers. For financial services professionals, it is also a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate your thought leadership and online expertise by contributing discussion prompts, blogs, white papers, etc.

Okay Heidi now it is time for our Lightning Round (fun) questions, are you ready?

I am! Let’s do it!


If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower and why? 

Helping people to engage more in dialog, rather than talking at each other.

Last podcast you listened to?

Sternstunde Philosophie (translation: Great Moment of Philosophy)

Favorite ice cream? 


Current favorite app?

Crowd Farming it helps you source organic food directly from the producer.

Book you are reading?

Why French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret to Enjoyable Eating   by Mireille Guiliano

Go-to karaoke song? 

Love Melts Fear by The Kahn Brothers

Heidi this has been great fun and very inspiring, so thank you so much. One last question, if people want to connect with you on TechXchange or social media, where can they find you?

Heidi Schmidt on IBM TechXchange Community

Heidi Schmidt on LinkedIn


