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Introducing the IBM Fintech Innovation Forum

By Debbie Ardizone posted Mon November 20, 2023 02:47 PM




For financial institutions,  innovation is a strategic business imperative to remain competitive, best serve customer needs, drive operational efficiencies, and achieve revenue growth. It is an emerging, collaborative process involving fintechs, financial institutions and  customers.

A new go-to space for Fintech modernization

To help drive this collaboration in the industry,  we are excited to announce the launch of the Fintech Innovation Forum.
The Fintech Innovation Forum is an open innovation space for fintechs to connect, discuss, catalyze and address challenges that matter to the financial services industry. We invite all fintech partners, regulators, educators and other financial services industry professionals to join us and make this a go-to space for Fintech modernization.

Opportunities to Drive the Fintech Conversation

We will feature blogs from industry experts and members, discussion threads, white papers, and the opportunity to network with your fellow forum members. We will have a recurring spotlight section to feature selected fintech innovations and providers  In concert with the Financial Services Cloud Council and Forum, we will also have an AI zone to share technological advances, case studies, innovative AI solutions, and best practices. 

If you are a Fintech, consider applying to our Member Blogging Program to share your innovation story and the industry challenges that inspire your solutions.

If you are a financial institution, consider starting a discussion post about innovation challenges that you are looking to address, or to share innovation stories that can serve as best practices and inspire others in the industry.

We look forward to meeting you inside the community. 

If you have questions, please reach out to @Debbie Ardizone, Editor-in-Chief, Fintech Innovation Forum.








Wed November 22, 2023 01:36 PM

This has been fixed,

Mon November 20, 2023 03:48 PM

just an fyi the link for the Fintech Innovation Forum -

points back to Financial Services Cloud Forum