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Testing Operational Resilience - New Whitepaper

By Anne Leslie posted Wed September 06, 2023 11:52 AM


For financial institutions (FIs), policymakers, and supervisors, operational resilience - a topic both critical and complex - is high on everyone’s agenda.

IBM Cloud has leveraged the collective intelligence of IBM FS Cloud Council members to shed light on the problem space and mutualize best practices for the shared benefit of the community and wider industry.

I’m delighted to publish this whitepaper which provides an overview of the direction of travel from a regulatory perspective, combined with a methodology to approach operational resilience testing, top tips for success, and sample test scenarios generously contributed by Council members.

The whitepaper is designed to be a conversation starter, a door opener, and an invitation to further collaboration and engagement.

We’re looking forward to hearing what you think, and we welcome all suggestions for building constructively on this foundation so that we can create even more shared value and move the dial on improving operational resilience in the financial services industry.

Please click here to access the whitepaper








Wed September 06, 2023 01:32 PM

Agree @Michele Jordan it's really encouraging to see Council members sharing their expertise and insights with their peers for the benefit of the wider industry. This is how we get to better outcomes ... together.

Wed September 06, 2023 01:21 PM

@Anne Leslie Great read! I was impressed with the number of testing scenarios you and the Financial Services Cloud Council members shared - close to 20!  No matter the size of a financial institution, the scenarios offered, can help with operational resilience testing.