IBM Cloud Management Console for Power Systems and Power Private Cloud

When:  Sep 22, 2023 from 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM (Sydney time)

IBM Cloud Management Console for Power Systems and Power Private Cloud a.k.a Enterprise Pools
From its inception, Cloud Management Console (CMC) has been giving insight into your Power Systems infrastructure via cloud-native apps with no additional software or infrastructure setup and also is the primary management interface for Power Private Cloud a.k.a Power Enterprise Pools 2.0. Power Private Cloud provides flexible consumption option with a base and usage model allowing to grow or shrink usage based on business needs and only pay for what's used. In this session, we will do a deep dive of CMC and Enterprise Pools 2.0, talk about new features & enhancements in the different apps and use cases for leveraging the flexible consumption model provided by Enterprise Pools 2.0 as you go through Hybrid Cloud journey.

The speakers:
Hariganesh Muralidharan(Hari) is a STSM in Power Systems and in his role as architect for Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Management and Flexible consumption, drives architecture, strategy, design and development for Hardware Management Console (HMC), Cloud Management Console (CMC) and Novalink products addressing the needs of Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud Deployment along with leading efforts on Power Virtual Server enablement. Hari is a recognised speaker in conferences and has authored many blogs and is also the development focal point for many customers and client representatives. He also has multiple filed patents and published ideas to his credit.

Manjunath Shanbhag(Manju) is a technical lead working in Power Systems department. He leads work items development in Hardware Management Console (HMC) and Cloud Management Console (CMC) product and also works as product release lead.