Environmental Intelligence Suite

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Introduce Yourself!

  • 1.  Introduce Yourself!

    Posted Mon August 01, 2022 10:16 AM
    Hello, I am Brian Thomas, I am a Brit and so we always talk (complain/moan) about the weather! I have been in IT (Public, Defense, Government and Commercial, in the UK & US) for decades. I moved to the US in 2008 and I started my journey with IBM in 2012 when I was at Silverpop. I joined the Weather Company in 2017 and so here I am, talking about the weather in the Weather Division of IBM! I have mostly been in sales support roles and now Business Development - so weather is now even more important to this Brit. My interests are; food, film, travel, people and their diversity and (trying) keeping up with technology, which has been a huge enabler for me.

    Brian Thomas CP.APMP
    Americas Environmental & Weather Group
    IBM Sustainability Software
    c:+1 404 308 9631
    e: Brian.Thomas@us.ibm.com
