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BIM VIEWER: Enable to generate viewable with autodesk forgeviewer :

  • 1.  BIM VIEWER: Enable to generate viewable with autodesk forgeviewer :

    Posted Tue April 11, 2023 05:09 AM

    Hi everyone,

    I'm using the latest version of Forge Viewer Plugin(V4) with Maximo and OS: UBUNTU.

    (To install the viewer, I used only the folder ForgeViewerPlugin. No indication found for the use of the folder "IBM-Forge-Viewer-CLI- As Is")

    After install, when I upload model and check register viewable the model is uploaded correctly but without viewable.

    When I check the log records, I found this error:

    I found the same problem also when I try to link to an existing viewable, The Manage Viewable Models dont display the viewable of the selected model.

    The same plugin is installed in another system but this time 'OS: Windows' and it fonctionate correctly. 

    Note: when I copy the urn of viewable generated in OS: Windows and paste in the adresse URL of a location in the OS: UBUNTU, model is displayed correctly! but viewable not listed in the list of viewable.

    Thank you in advance.

    Nacef Sifi

    Nacef Sifi