Cómo ayudar a la recuperación Covid con Data Science / Criptografía Homomórfica

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When:  Sep 17, 2020 from 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM (PT)
Hemos vuelto! Y con más energía!! :-)

En este nuevo meet-up contaremos con la presencia del equipo de Data Science de IBM y de Rolls Royce, así como con el equipo de IBM Research de Europa.

Hablaremos de casos de usos para ayudar a la monitorización y recuperación por Covid, y finalizaremos con la explicación de qué es la Criptografía Homomórfica, que permite realizar analítica de datos y predicciones sin descrifrado, por lo que supone el nuevo paradigma en seguridad.

Y todo ello basado en Open Source... No os lo podeís perder, os esperamos!!

* 18.00 - 18.05 "Bienvenida" - Victoria Gómez. IBM

* 18.05 - 19.05 "Emergent Regional Risk: An analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on the regional health status of the population" -> Introducción en Español & detalles y demo en INGLÉS

- Kyuhwa Lee, PhD. Senior Data Scientist, IBM Data Science & AI Elite
- Sarah Boufelja-Yacoubi. Data Scientist, IBM Data Science & AI Elite
- Ponente de Rolls Royce
- Victoria Gómez, IBM.

Due to the current Covid-19 outbreak, we found it critical to assess the Regional Status of an area to help local authorities determine the level of risk to health to decide when is the right time to intervene. Our aim is to create a composed regional Risk Index that takes into account the level of infection rate, % of vulnerable population, and many other factors to assess the ‘riskiness’ of a specific region.

In this Meet-up, we tell you a story of applying a variety of Machine Learning methods and time-series analysis to estimate the status of a region and discover informative trends over time. And we show you how a team of data scientists from IBM’s Data Science & AI Elite Team (https://www.ibm.com/community/datascience/elite/ ) and Rolls-Royce’s R2 Data Labs (https://www.rolls-royce.com/products-and-services/r2datalabs.aspx) working together on Regional Risk-Pulse Index: forecasting and simulation within Emergent Alliance.

* 19.05 - 19.45 "The IBM Fully Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit" - Flavio Bergamaschi, IBM Research, Senior Research Scientist. -> ENGLISH

Invented in IBM Research, Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is the first and only known technology that enables the processing of data in its encrypted form, thus completing the triad of keeping data encrypted while in transit, at rest and during processing. Now the data and any intermediate value remain encrypted while in memory and in the registers of the CPU. FHE unlocks the potential for cloud use, even for the regulated industries. In this session, our speakers provide an overview of FHE and business applications and demonstrate how you can begin experimenting easily with a set of Open-Source FHE toolkits that help enterprise developers weave pervasive security into software source code. The toolkits support Linux for x86, macOS, IBM Z as well as z/OS with Container Extensions. We conclude with technical demos shipped with the toolkits. These include Privacy-Preserving Search through a fully encrypted key-value store as well as a fully-encrypted machine learning for credit card fraud detection.

*** Open-Source FHE toolkit here! -> https://github.com/IBM/fhe-toolkit-linux/blob/master/README.md

*** We want to hear about your experience with the toolkit and other use cases -> https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5731822/Advanced-Security-And-Encryption-Survey-2020

*** SLACK channel -> https://join.slack.com/t/fhekit/shared_invite/zt-e35rax8l-_ZbB2XuF3WcXCM2mDe~AZQ