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New Committers to JupyterLab!

By William Roberts posted Tue November 03, 2020 12:04 PM

We're very glad to announce that last week IBMers Martha Cryan and Alex Bozarth were both officially added to the JupyterLab committer list! Open source is core to the ethos of IBM and how we build our own products, so we're exceptionally proud of Alex and Martha in their continued contributions to these essential projects. If you're curious about the OSS projects that IBM contributes to outside of JupyterLab, check out the many projects for which the Center for Open Source Data and AI Technologies (CODAIT) at IBM has committers.

For those who aren't already familiar, JupyterLab is an essential part of the data science stack. It's the next-gen version of working with Jupyter notebooks. It integrates code, notebooks, and easy access to your data and presents it in an intuitive tabular format. It's similar in many capacities to the IDE's that developers depend upon for their development workflows. It's easy to get started, open a terminal and run:

pip install jupyterlab
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

Then you can launch JupyterLab and hop immediately into your data set. Here's loading an example data set from UCI's Machine Learning Repository and taking a glance at it in JupyterLab in just a couple of steps:


If you don't want to run JupyterLab on your local machine, you can also play with it in your browser at

If you like JupyterLab, or any other of the NumFOCUS projects, consider emulating Martha and Alex and get involved. OSS projects like these are only the basis for enterprise software because of capable engineers like them! As an example, check the contributing to JupyterLab guidelines.  

For instructional blogs with updates on JupyterLab and other projects, join the IBM Data Science community today!

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Thu November 05, 2020 03:42 PM
