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Meetup and Events Round-Up Week 1/2020

By Tim Bonnemann posted Fri January 03, 2020 11:40 AM

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you thoroughly enjoyed your break.

In this weekly segment, we share the latest news and updates around meetups, conferences, and other events the IBM Data Science Community team is involved with.

In-person events

The following two IBM-sponsored data science and AI conferences have just been added to the calendar:

Are you planning on going? Make sure to let us know, and we’ll help you connect with other attendees.

Online events

We also have this online meetup coming up in collaboration with the IBM Developer Advocate team in San Francisco:

Great opportunity to take a first dive into the AI Fairness 360 open source toolkit, which helps you examine, report, and mitigate discrimination and bias in machine learning models throughout the AI application lifecycle.

There will be plenty more online events this year, including virtual meetups. Stay tuned for details!

Call for proposals

Just a quick reminder: the call for proposals for the Data Council San Francisco 2020 “AI Ethics & Fairness” track is still open. Submissions are due January 15!

Online survey: your input wanted!

And last but not least, we have a brand new online survey up to learn more about your meetup and event needs:
As the IBM Data Science Community heads into 2020, we plan to regularly attend and support more in-person events in more than a dozen major tech hubs around the world. Please complete this short survey to help us understand which events to consider and how we can best support them!
Please take a couple of minutes and let us know. Thank you!
