Admin Dashboard

Welcome Community and Site Admins!

Below are your easy access quick links and tags to use for applying content throughout this site. Please let us know if something is missing or you need access to something that you can't find on this page.

Use these tags below for curating and promoting content from across the Community and it's groups.

Note: Currently you must have Super Admin access to be able to apply these special tags, please let someone with Super access know if you'd like to curate a section that uses these tags.


There are a number of areas available for curated or promoted content from multiple sources. This can be Community content, internal website content, or external pages. In each case there are a couple different methods for authoring or identifying this content and making it appear in the appropriate or desired place in the Community homepage.

Hero Banners

There are two separate hero banners in the Community Azul 1.3 template. One for Logged Out view, and one for users that are Logged In to the site.

Hero banners

You can edit each separately to show different content to each type of user. You can select an image for the background, update the "Community" eyebrow text [size heading 6], update the main title copy [size heading 2], and update the CTA button labels and URLs for each banner.

Editing Instructions:
  1. Navigate to the banners' HTML content items in the backend:
    backend location of hero banners
  2. To edit the image, click on the image, then click on the "Insert/edit image" tool in the editor:
    Changing the hero image

  3. To edit the text/copy of each hero banner, highlight the text and replace with new copy, making sure to keep the same typographic styling for each element as shown below:
    eyebrow text heading sizeScreen_Shot_2020-01-10_at_2_40_12_PM.png

  4. To edit links or buttons or CTAs, best practice is to click anywhere within the link text, then click on the "Insert/edit link" tool in the editor:
    insert/edit tool
    Then proceed to edit the fields for the "URL" as well as the "Text to display" as shown here:
    editing links modal

  5. Once you've finished updating all the elements of the hero banner, you may click "Save" at the bottom to publish the changes live.

Banner Image size in promotional area

InteriorCrossSiteBottom (Width: 962px  *  Height: 125px) *Refer admin > ads in HL

Banner should in 962*125 ratio, we make it full width through coding. 

Featured Areas

There are three tiles at the top where you can promote various community content; this can be a discussion post, a blog post, or a resource library entry. Using the respective "-home" tags from the list above, you are able to ensure the right content gets pushed to the right spot on the homepage. Keep in mind these areas are ordered by the date the content was posted; so if you have two pieces tagged with the same "-home" tag, eg. "Featured-area-1-home", then only the most recent piece of content will appear in the area on the homepage.

Note: there may be a slight delay from when you tag a piece of content until it appears in all the appropriate places, but if it's been longer than 60 minutes, please contact Support.

Top 3 Featured Areas

Each of these areas also has a link to view more/past pieces of content that were tagged with the featured area tags. Make sure you tag each piece of content with the appropriate "Featured-area-[NUMBER]" tag and they will appear on the corresponding "view more" pages. Content tagged with "-home" featured tags will also need to be tagged with the corresponding "Featured-area-[NUMBER]" tag in order to appear on the "view more" pages.

To change the titles of each section, edit the widget Title and click "Save": where to edit featured tile titles

Promotional banner

There is a promotional banner area on the homepage just underneath the featured tiles where there's an opportunity to promote content, products and programs periodically. This area is built using HTML, but if you follow the typographic styling (similar to editing the HTML for the hero banners above) you should have no problem updating the content that displays.

IBM promotional banner

Instructions for editing the banner:
  1. Navigate to the promo banner item in the backend:
    location of promo banner in backend

  2. Using the same methodology for editing HTML elements in hero banners (as stated above), as you edit each element in the promo banner, ensure you are maintaining the correct/previous typographic styling and editing links using the "Insert/edit link" tool in the editor. *You may also select to view the HTML and edit that was as well if you are familiar with HTML code.
    editing the heading 3 styled promo banner titleediting links within the promo banner

  3. Click "Save" to publish the changes.

Spotlight Card

This area is reserved for a special spotlight on community content, community members, customers, or products. It uses the tag "Spotlight" to pull in content here. You can place it on a blog post, discussion post, or resource library entry. *Resource Library Entries in Higher Logic can be used to promote external content as well as outlined in the separate section below "News/Highlight Section" on this page.

Editing the spotlight section

The method to update the content in this section is similar to the tagging process for the Featured Area tiles as discussed earlier. If you tag content with the universal admin tag "Spotlight", the most recent piece of content with this tag will appear on the homepage in this area. If the content tagged does not contain an image within, no image will be displayed in this card.

News / Highlight Section

This section on the homepage consists of 5 cards that you can use to feature/promote/curate various pieces of content. This content can include internal/community/group content or links to external content as well (eg. Medium or IBM Developer). As a super admin, you can assign the Universal Admin Tag "Highlights" to various pieces of content throughout the site, or author new content depending on what behaviour you would like to exist for each news/highlight piece as outlined below.

Note: For the content to appear in the tiles on the homepage, use both the "Highlights" tag, and the "Highlights-home" tag

News/Highlights section tiles

Three methods to add content and create tiles:
  1. To add a news/highlight tile to promote external content you wish the user to be sent directly to, create a new Library Entry, use the entry type "Hyperlink" and insert the URL for the external page/content. This type of tile will display an icon in the top left corner of the tile indicating to the user that it is an external link and will open directly in a new browser tab.
  2. To add a news/highlight tile to promote external content you wish to create an intermediate page for providing additional context to the user before linking to the content, create a new Library Entry, using the new entry type "Standard Content without Attachments", and include the URL as a link directly within the entry description. This will create a tile and an intermediate page as an entry in the library that community managers can use to link to directly on social media for separate promotions elsewhere. The date shown on the tile in this case will be the date the intermediate entry was created.
  3. To add any other sort of tile that links directly to internal content such as blog posts, discussion posts, or library entries, you may tag the content directly, using the "Highlights" & "Highlights-home" tags as normal.

Special Tags for Highlights Section:

There are a set of tags preconfigured to provide the user some additional information about each tile in the News/Highlights section. This information appears as blue text above the tile's title. Admins can choose to tag each highlight tile with this additional tag in order to make this appear on the tile. They appear on the tile as shown in this example:


Consult the list below for the set of currently usable tags called "Highlight Categories":

Screen_Shot_2020-01-22_at_2_04_58_PM.pngNote: if there are tags you wish to use that aren't included in this list, please let us know and we can work to add more tags for use as categories on these tiles

Drape and no-drape guideline

In Hero, if there is no drape (blue bar in bottom): change CSS wrapper class name: hero-nodrape
if drape is added (blue bar in bottom): change CSS wrapper class name: hero-drape

"rich-text-editor" : Use this class if text formatting not getting applied.

9 total

AI and DS Skills  

Decision Optimization  

Embeddable AI  

Global AI and Data Science  

IBM Advanced Studies  

IBM watsonx Orders  

SPSS Statistics  

Watson Discovery  

watsonx Assistant