Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
Were you unable to attend our 2019 Virtual Community Day back in April? Check out the recording!DSXchange has been a valuable part of the evolution of the suite of products, now considered those of UG&I, for over 17 years. DSXchange was a product launchpad for our own third party offering, Version Control for DataStage. Offering the user forum as gateway for the experienced users to help the those in need. Webinars, Experts and Key vendors will provide the future of our role moving forward. We will cover topics related to Performance, Knowledge and Third party products and strategies. Joining us will bound to save you money! Performance – Best practices and surrounding building optimal DataStage Jobs and design. Knowledge – flex pricing, leveraging the cloud offerings, expert deployments, product produce resultsPresented by Dennis James and John McKeever#GlobalDataOps#UGICommunityDay