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Imagine you are a developer for an energy company and you would like to continuously ingest and analyze data from thousands of sensors in the field. You would like to compute some statistics for each sensor, such as the rolling average, and then store that data or further analyze it by applying...
Streams Flows is a web based IDE for quickly creating streaming analytics applications in IBM Cloud Pak for Data. The applications are created and deployed in a browser. This post is collection of videos and articles to introduce you to the the canvas and show you how to create your own...
Written by Chris Recoskie. Streams 4.3 introduced a new type to the SPL programming language to better allow Streams applications to interoperate with external data sources such as databases and JSON data. Previously, there was no straightforward way for SPL developers to handle tuple...
In Streams 4.x, there are a couple of security enhancements relating to Streams jobs and their corresponding PE processes. The first enhancement is the ability to have all jobs within a Streams instance run as a configured user, rather than the default of running the jobs under the user that...
If you're new to Streams, this page has all you need to get started. What is Streams? Watch a video overview of Streams and some of its features. How do I get started with Streams? Get started with Python, SPL, or Streams Flows. Find a sample Search for sample applications...
The documentation for User-Defined Parallelism presents an example of using a FileSource inside of a UDP region: @parallel(width=3) stream<uint64 i> Output = FileSource() ( param file: "input" + (rstring)getChannel() + ".csv"; ) If the above FileSource invocation...
This video shows how to use the streamsx.pmml Python package to perform scoring with a PMML model and viewing the results. The Streams application is created in a Python notebook running in IBM Cloud Pak for Data, but this API can be used on a local Streams installation or the Streaming...
The Streams Python development guide mentions how you can quickly read local files from a Python application . However, what if the file is in a project in Cloud Pak for Data? How can you access files in a project from a Streams notebook? In this post I’ll cover how you can use data from a...
Elasticsearch is a distributed RESTful search engine that provides near real-time (NRT) search and provides various sets of APIs (RESTful, Java, etc.) for storing and accessing documents. With the new Elasticsearch toolkit, you can effortlessly store your Streams data in Elasticsearch. This...
Overview Streams integrates with other technologies using adapters to popular protocols such as TCP, ODBC, Kafka, JMS, MQTT and HDFS, just to name a few. REST is another established protocol that is gaining popularity because of its use in many cloud-based services. This article describes how...