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Why would a single table refresh stop all other tables from replicating?

  • 1.  Why would a single table refresh stop all other tables from replicating?

    Posted Sat February 05, 2022 09:20 AM

    This is really confusing me. I've got a set up using Infosphere data replication 11.4. I have a SQL server source and target. I have a subscription that consists of 5 tables. Everything seems to be working ok.

    If I say mark one of those tables for a refresh, when I restart mirroring, the only table that continues to replicate is that one I just refreshed. The others receive no updates. This, despite their statuses according to the console being 'Mirror' and 'Active'. The subscription is running and mirroring and from a console point of view looks just fine, yet , quietly with no errors I am losing data which is pretty scary.

    The only way to get all tables replicating together again is either by refreshing them all or marking all of their table capture points for mirroring. This is not really practical in my situation. We are using live audit capture so a full refresh is definitely not doable and mark table capture point potentially very risky if done accross the board for everything. Point is , I shouldn't have to do that though?

    Surely I should be able to refresh just one table in a subscription without needing to do a mark table capture for all of the others or refresh them all? Everything I;ve read so far and colleagues I;ve spoken to seem to think so.



  • 2.  RE: Why would a single table refresh stop all other tables from replicating?

    Posted Sat February 05, 2022 09:44 AM


    There are a number of possibilities here, for example:

    1) There are no outstanding changes to replicate

    2) The restart position for mirroring is a long way in the past and CDC is having to read a lot of old log entries.

    What I would do is start the mirroring and take the option in the monitoring/subscription perspective to collect statistics.

    I would then look at the event log for source and target for datastore and subscription events and any scraper events to see if there is something odd going on.

    By the time you have done this you can select the subscription in the monitor/subscription perspective and do things like display latency and activity to see what if anything is going on.

    You can also look at the instance logs of CDC to get more detailed events. If you do not know where the instance logs are situated on the CDC server(s)

    In control panel/admin tools/services locate the IBM infosphere data replication service and check the properties. This should give you the installation path of CDC (strip off the bin at the end of the path if present)

    In the installation path there is a directory called conf

    In this directory there is a file userfolder.vmargs. Display this to get the instance path

    In <instance path>/<Instance name>/log you will find always on trace data. Display the files with the appropriate timestamp


  • 3.  RE: Why would a single table refresh stop all other tables from replicating?

    Posted Sat February 05, 2022 10:48 AM

    Thanks Rob.

    This is a quiet test box so I'm not seeing anything in the way of volumes of excessive latency.

    I'm manually generating inserts to my 5 sample tables. However, when I collect the statistics and run an insert accross all 5 tables I only see

    1 operation (relating to my most recently refreshed table).

    In the subscription events, I do get this though which could be a factor somehow(?) From what I've read I'm not really sure why its not using the

    single scrape (there is no other cdcinstance active on this source server or indeed any other active subscriptions). I've also tried stopping starting

    the source cdc instance as well.

    Here is what I see in the trace log for the cdc instance - don't know if this not using the single scrape is an issue.

    This is what happends when I have 1 table marked for refresh and the rest are all subsequently not replicated....

    156 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=225 MSG=Table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA_NEW5 refresh to TIMTEST has been confirmed by the target system. 7 rows were received, 8 rows were successfully applied, -1 rows failed.

    157 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=1437 MSG=Table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA_NEW5 refresh to TIMTEST is complete. 7 rows were sent.

    158 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=44 MSG=Mirroring has been initiated for table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA.

    159 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=44 MSG=Mirroring has been initiated for table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA_NEW.

    160 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=44 MSG=Mirroring has been initiated for table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA_NEW2.

    161 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=44 MSG=Mirroring has been initiated for table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA_NEW3.

    162 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=44 MSG=Mirroring has been initiated for table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA_NEW4.

    163 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=44 MSG=Mirroring has been initiated for table TIMTEST.TEST_DATA_NEW5.

    164 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 SHAREDSCRAPE{75} com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.singlescrape.SingleScrapeThread processMessage() Considering sub command [TIMTEST] bookmark [Journal name JOURNAL Journal bookmark 000204;0282e817:00001a21:0003;0282e817:00001a21:0003;0282e817:00001a21:0003|]

    165 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 SHAREDSCRAPE{75} com.datamirror.ts.engine.MemoryManager computeMaxInMemoryGlobalBytes() runtimeMaxMemory=1073741824 reservedMemoryInBytes=732368896 maxNumInMemoryGlobalBytes=341372928

    166 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 SHAREDSCRAPE{75} com.datamirror.ts.eventlog.EventLogger logActualEvent() Event logged: ID=2925 MSG=Subscription TIMTEST can not use the single scrape staging store because it is too far ahead. It will run with a private log reader and log parser. Subscription bookmark: Journal name JOURNAL Journal bookmark 000204;0282e817:00001a21:0003;0282e817:00001a21:0003;0282e817:00001a21:0003| Staging store oldest bookmark: Journal name JOURNAL Journal bookmark 000204;0282e816:00006854:0003;0282e816:00006854:0003;0282e816:00006854:0003| Staging store newest bookmark: Journal name JOURNAL Journal bookmark 000204;0282e816:000068c8:0003;0282e816:000068c8:0003;0282e816:000068c8:0003|

    167 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() Starting component SUBSCRIPTION STAGE; starting to allocate nodes and jobs.

    168 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() powering on com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.mssqlscraper.MssqlScraperImpl; there are 1 jobs in this node.

    169 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() Synchronizing with job com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.cdc.CDCLogScraperImpl$LogScraperPipelineJob

    170 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST SCRAPER MANAGER{170} com.datamirror.ts.util.TsThread run() Thread start

    171 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() All jobs have completed start-up initialization. Starting to execute.

    172 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST SCRAPER MANAGER{170} com.datamirror.ts.engine.MemoryManager computeMaxInMemoryGlobalBytes() runtimeMaxMemory=1073741824 reservedMemoryInBytes=732375896 maxNumInMemoryGlobalBytes=341365928

    173 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() Starting component PARSER STAGE; starting to allocate nodes and jobs.

    174 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() powering on com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.mssqlscraper.MssqlLogParser; there are 1 jobs in this node.

    175 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST SCRAPER MANAGER{170} com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.cdc.ScraperManagerCDC execute() TIMTEST start bookmark: Journal name JOURNAL Journal bookmark 000204;0282e817:00001a21:0003;0282e817:00001a21:0003;0282e817:00001a21:0003|

    176 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() Synchronizing with job com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.cdc.LogParser$LogParserPipelineJob

    177 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST LOG PARSER{171} com.datamirror.ts.util.TsThread run() Thread start

    178 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST LOG PARSER{171} com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.cdc.TransactionQueues continueFromPosition() target commit position: 0282e817:00001a21:0003 target current position: 0282e817:00001a21:0003 journalId: 0

    179 2022-02-05 10:41:16.659 TIMTEST LOG PARSER{171} com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.cdc.TxnQueuesPersistence continueFromPosition() Will not reuse the transaction queues for journal 0 because target restart position 0282e817:00001a21:0003 is >= the position of the last log record read at the time of shutdown: 0282e817:00001a21:0003. Persisted txn queue commit position: 0282e817:00001a21:0003 Persisted txn queue current position: 0282e817:00001a21:0003

    180 2022-02-05 10:41:17.659 TIMTEST LOG PARSER{171} com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.cdc.LogParser continueFromPosition() Log reader start position 0282e817:00001a21:0003

    181 2022-02-05 10:41:17.659 TIMTEST Source Data Channel{163} com.datamirror.ts.engine.component.AbstractPipelineComponent startComponent() All jobs have completed start-up initialization. Starting to execute.

    I do see from the source cdc instance trace file that prior to this the single scrape process starts up ok


    Event logged: ID=2920 MSG=The single scrape component has started. The staging store is 0% full.



  • 4.  RE: Why would a single table refresh stop all other tables from replicating?

    Posted Sat February 05, 2022 10:51 AM

    Sorry may have replied to the wrong part of this thread. Also that cut and paste is a bit of a mess. I guess the lines that might be of interest here are:

    Subscription TIMTEST can not use the single scrape staging store because it is too far ahead.

    and later on...

    ContinueFromPosition() Will not reuse the transaction queues for journal 0 because target restart position 0282e817:00001a21:0003 is >= the position of the last log record read at the time of shutdown: 0282e817:00001a21:0003. Persisted txn queue commit position: 0282e817:00001a21:0003 Persisted txn queue current position: 0282e817:00001a21:0003
