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🎉 & the June Innovation Jam winners are... 🎟

  • 1.  🎉 & the June Innovation Jam winners are... 🎟

    Posted Mon June 27, 2022 03:31 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:29 PM

    We spun the Wheel of Names and guess who won?

    1.  Michael Colbert

    2. Lynn Cory

    3. Martin O'Shield

    Congratulations to our winners! I will be reaching out to you to see if you'd like to get an IBM swag box 🎁

    For those who did not get selected this time, your feedback was extremely valuable to us and will help inform decisions made in the products you use!

    ⭐️ Extra special shoutout to our own Karen Gonzalez, UX Designer, for incredible engagement throughout these Innovation Jam events!

    Sign up for the User Experience Program:

    Brett Witteck
    Design / User Experience Researcher
    San Jose, CA