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problem to install CP4D 4.5.3 in seld managed openshift cluster in IBM Cloud

  • 1.  problem to install CP4D 4.5.3 in seld managed openshift cluster in IBM Cloud

    Posted Thu December 12, 2024 09:12 AM

    Since last 2 hours. I am getting this message 

    amigarg2@Amits-MacBook-Air cpd-cli_113 % cpd-cli manage get-cr-status \


    [INFO] 2024-12-08T22:04:17.490012Z Checking architecture: amd64

    [INFO] 2024-12-08T22:04:17.490145Z Checking podman or docker

    [INFO] 2024-12-08T22:04:17.516214Z Dockerexe: podman

    [INFO] 2024-12-08T22:04:17.516253Z Checking container image

    [INFO] 2024-12-08T22:04:17.630643Z Container olm-utils-play is running already. Image:

    [INFO] 2024-12-08T22:04:17.711474Z Processing subcommand get-cr-status

    # getting status for all installed components...  optionally add --components=<comma separated list of cpd components> for a specific set

    # component,CR-kind,CR-name,status,version,creationtimestamp,reconciled-version,operator-info


    zen,ZenService,lite-cr,InProgress,4.7.1,2024-12-08T13:53:03Z,--,zen operator 1.7.1 build 6

    [SUCCESS] 2024-12-08T22:09:01.879288Z You may find output and logs in the /Users/amigarg2/cpd-cli-workspace/olm-utils-workspace/work directory.

    [SUCCESS] 2024-12-08T22:09:01.880048Z The get-cr-status command ran successfully.

    amigarg2@Amits-MacBook-Air cpd-cli_113 %

    But my install command failed with below error. 

    cpd-cli_113 % cpd-cli manage apply-cr \

    --components=${COMPONENTS} \

    --release=${VERSION} \

    --cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE} \

    --block_storage_class=${STG_CLASS_BLOCK} \

    --file_storage_class=${STG_CLASS_FILE} \


    Not ready yet - Retrying: check if CR status indicates completion for ibmcpd-cr in cpd-instance, max retry 25 times 300s delay (2 Retries left)

    Not ready yet - Retrying: check if CR status indicates completion for ibmcpd-cr in cpd-instance, max retry 25 times 300s delay (1 Retries left)

    fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"api_found": true, "attempts": 25, "changed": false, "resources": [{"apiVersion": "", "kind": "Ibmcpd", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-12-08T13:48:31Z", "generation": 1, "managedFields": [{"apiVersion": "", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": {"f:spec": {".": {}, "f:blockStorageClass": {}, "f:fileStorageClass": {}, "f:license": {".": {}, "f:accept": {}, "f:license": {}}, "f:version": {}}}, "manager": "OpenAPI-Generator", "operation": "Update", "time": "2024-12-08T13:48:31Z"}, {"apiVersion": "", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": {"f:status": {".": {}, "f:conditions": {}}}, "manager": "ansible-operator", "operation": "Update", "subresource": "status", "time": "2024-12-08T15:53:07Z"}, {"apiVersion": "", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": {"f:status": {"f:controlPlaneOperatorVersion": {}, "f:controlPlaneStatus": {}, "f:lastReconcileEnd": {}, "f:lastReconcileStart": {}}}, "manager": "OpenAPI-Generator", "operation": "Update", "subresource": "status", "time": "2024-12-08T15:53:19Z"}], "name": "ibmcpd-cr", "namespace": "cpd-instance", "resourceVersion": "214448180", "uid": "a381d43b-84af-42da-baf0-4de924e0d4ea"}, "spec": {"blockStorageClass": "ibmc-block-gold", "fileStorageClass": "ibmc-file-gold-gid", "license": {"accept": true, "license": "Enterprise"}, "version": "4.5.3"}, "status": {"conditions": [{"lastTransitionTime": "2024-12-08T14:14:06Z", "message": "", "reason": "", "status": "False", "type": "Successful"}, {"ansibleResult": {"changed": 2, "completion": "2024-12-08T15:53:06.878802", "failures": 1, "ok": 26, "skipped": 11}, "lastTransitionTime": "2024-12-08T15:53:07Z", "message": "unknown playbook failure\nzen service installation has failed", "reason": "Failed", "status": "False", "type": "Failure"}, {"lastTransitionTime": "2024-12-08T15:53:07Z", "message": "Running reconciliation", "reason": "Running", "status": "True", "type": "Running"}], "controlPlaneOperatorVersion": "cpdPlatform operator 3.2.0 build 2", "controlPlaneStatus": "InProgress", "lastReconcileEnd": "2024-12-08_15:53:03", "lastReconcileStart": "2024-12-08_15:53:14"}}]}

    TASK [utils : fail] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Playbook fail while running 'apply_cr.yml' of 'ibmcpd-cr' for component 'cpd_platform' in namespace 'cpd-instance'"}

    PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

    localhost                  : ok=36  changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=46  rescued=1    ignored=0   

    [ERROR] 2024-12-08T21:24:28.850239Z cmd.Run() failed with exit status 2

    [ERROR] 2024-12-08T21:24:28.851151Z Command exception: The apply-cr command failed (exit status 2). You may find output and logs in the /Users/amigarg2/cpd-cli-workspace/olm-utils-workspace/work directory.

    [ERROR] 2024-12-08T21:24:28.854740Z RunPluginCommand:Execution error:  exit status 1

    amigarg2@Amits-MacBook-Air cpd-cli_113 % pwd

    I don't know if the installation is failed or running.

    If failed - I don't know the reason to fix it. 

    Kindly help.
