Cloud Pak for Data

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  • 1.  🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:01 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:50 PM

    Time flies when you're having fun! We've loved getting all your feedback thus far. If for some reason you had to step out or couldn't make the event at the designated time, you have until end of day Sunday (11:59 pm Pacific) to keep responding!

    🎟 For 1 ticket, let us know what areas you'd like us to focus on in a future Innovation Jam! 

    Rachel Miles Sijacic
    Sign up for the User Experience Program:


  • 2.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:03 PM
    Any proposed changes/updates to Cognos would be great ;)

    Adam Meloche

  • 3.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:06 PM
    Will bear that in mind!

    Rachel Miles Sijacic
    Sign up for the User Experience Program:

  • 4.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:04 PM
    Would there be another way to do this kind of JAM? to get to see all the not-answered discussion becomes a lilttle bit hectic while all are answering. The risk is to miss out some discussions, Perhaps you should number them...

    Chiara Baldan

  • 5.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:07 PM
    That's a great point! This was our first one, so any feedback on how to make this better is much appreciated.

    For instance, I didn't realize the posts would change based on most recent comments, so I will definitely number them next time.

    Rachel Miles Sijacic
    Sign up for the User Experience Program:

  • 6.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:07 PM
    That said, you have until end of day Sunday to respond!

    Rachel Miles Sijacic
    Sign up for the User Experience Program:

  • 7.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:29 PM
    It would be interesting to hear what others have to say about Data Virtualization Manager. We are doing the sponsor User program for it. I'd like to hear what others may think about it and if they are using it and how.

    Chiara Baldan

  • 8.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 03:30 PM
    Great idea! I'm sure the DV team has a lot they'd love to get feedback on.

    Rachel Miles Sijacic
    Sign up for the User Experience Program:

  • 9.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 04:09 PM
    Since I'm working mainly on the Watson Cognitive AI Services, I'd appreciate a jam on those services under the category AI / Machine Learning; it would also be interesting to state the most useful functionality of those services, what needs to be added and which functionality was removed that should come back.

    Great that we can still contribute until Sunday > much appreciated!

    Maybe you could give the forum discussions a flag that those belong to the jam, so we can filter out anything else; order the discussions numerically so you can use that to order them in the overview page; get a pop message that someone replied to your post

    Dorothee Reinhard
    Data & AI Scientist
    IBM Switzerland
    0041 79 565 74 56

  • 10.  RE: 🎟 Over already?!

    Posted Thu May 06, 2021 04:37 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:21 PM
    Noted about AI and Machine Learning.

    That's a great idea about flagging the discussions! I'm going to ask and see if we can do that.

    Rachel Miles Sijacic
    Sign up for the User Experience Program: