Dear GRC Community members –
A couple of weeks ago, we posted instructions for integrating Watson Assistant, IBM's virtual chatbot, with IBM OpenPages with Watson. See how you can take these capabilities further by incorporating Watson Discovery to index and query documents to provide answers to user questions submitted in Watson Assistant.
Follow the attached step-by-step instructions for importing the included JSON file into a free Watson Assistant instance to start using Watson Assistant with Discovery in OpenPages. The pre-configured instance includes three use cases for creating and finding out-of-the-box objects within OpenPages, as well as an example of how guidance to users can be imbedded within Watson Assistant. When Watson Assistant does not recognize one of the three use cases, it will then search for the answer within documents ingested through Watson Discovery.
Within about an hour (depending on the number of documents you want to initially ingest), you can configure a free Watson Assistant instance within OpenPages that will query selected documents through Watson Discovery.
Please note that this capability is for use with OpenPages with Watson version 8.2 or higher.
For more information on Watson Assistant, visit
For more information on Watson Discovery, visit ------------------------------
Joshua Andrews
Offering Manager - IBM OpenPages