Cloud Pak for Data

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  • 1.  IBM cloudpak for data "docs" need attention

    Posted Mon May 13, 2024 08:50 AM

    Hello All ,

    We have already done a recent setup for IBM Cloudpak for data , one of the notes we found in the docs which needs a fix i guess is Setting up dynamic provisioning

    the below step in the docs i guess need to be switched to

    `oc patch storageclass ${NFS_STORAGE_CLASS} --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/mountOptions", "value": ["nfsvers=3", "nolock"]}]'`

    the reason is that If a StorageClass already exists with the same name, the oc apply command will not work to just update the mountOptions because apply attempts to manage the entire resource definition, and conflicts might occur with existing configurations not specified in the below current definition.

    so instead of the below for , my experience is to run the above command  
    Run the following command to update the storage class:

    cat <<EOF |oc apply -f -
    kind: StorageClass
      name: ${NFS_STORAGE_CLASS}
    provisioner: nfs-client-provisioner
      archiveOnDelete: "false"
    - nfsvers=3
    - nolock
    Ibm remove preview
    Setting up dynamic provisioning
    NFS does not support dynamic storage provisioning by default, and Red Hat OpenShift does not include a provisioner plug-in to create an NFS storage class. Therefore, you must set up dynamic storage provisioning on your NFS server.
    View this on Ibm >


    Mohamed Issa

  • 2.  RE: IBM cloudpak for data "docs" need attention

    Posted Wed May 15, 2024 11:15 AM


    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll investigate.

    JULIA Montarbo

  • 3.  RE: IBM cloudpak for data "docs" need attention

    Posted Wed May 15, 2024 01:18 PM

    Thank you Julia for your feedback :) if possible can you please let us know the investigation result as we maybe did something wrong or missed any step that can make the current step working right 

    Mohamed Issa