the username and password from the
oc whoami commands are both different from the ones i used for the install command.
oc whoami -t returns a string starting with sha256
But if i use username and password from
oc whoami for the install command, the same error as i my first post occurs. If i try the credentials from
oc whoami to login with
podman login, i can't login, resulting in following error:
Error: error authenticating creds for "cp.icr.io": unexpected http code: 400 (Bad Request), URL: https://cp.icr.io/oauth/token?account=cp4dadmin&service=registry
In my first post i used username cp (found in repo.yaml) and the CPD Key. With those podman login works, as written earlier...
Original Message:
Sent: Mon June 14, 2021 05:20 PM
From: Sidrah Junaid
Subject: [Error] - Unable to install Watson Studio
Hi Dominik,
Could you confirm the openshift registry credentials are correct ie username & password
You can verify it by running oc whoami for username and oc whoami -t for password.
Sidrah Junaid
Original Message:
Sent: Mon June 14, 2021 09:58 AM
From: Dominik Schott
Subject: [Error] - Unable to install Watson Studio
Hi all,
i'm trying to install Watson Studio on Cloud Pak for Data 3.5 running on OpenShift 4.6. I'm following the Documentation found here Installing Watson Studio.
Now i'm facing a error that it can't download the files from docker because of invalid username/password.
[ERROR] [2021-06-14 12:49:50-0673] Unable to obtain the digest from the source docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/rabbitmq:3.8.9-130: Error resolving image source reference for docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/rabbitmq:3.8.9-130 - unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: The login credentials are not valid.[ERROR] [2021-06-14 12:49:50-0676] worker 2 received error Error in handling image request regarding rabbitmq:3.8.9-130 from registry docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/rabbitmq:3.8.9-130 after 4 retries. Abort[ERROR] [2021-06-14 12:49:50-0791] Unable to obtain the digest from the source docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/wkc-init-container:1.0.133: Error resolving image source reference for docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/wkc-init-container:1.0.133 - unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: The login credentials are not valid.[ERROR] [2021-06-14 12:49:50-0794] worker 0 received error Error in handling image request regarding wkc-init-container:1.0.133 from registry docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/wkc-init-container:1.0.133 after 4 retries. Abort[ERROR] [2021-06-14 12:49:50-0940] Unable to obtain the digest from the source docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/elasticsearch:7.9.3-135: Error resolving image source reference for docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/elasticsearch:7.9.3-135 - unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: The login credentials are not valid.[ERROR] [2021-06-14 12:49:50-0943] worker 1 received error Error in handling image request regarding elasticsearch:7.9.3-135 from registry docker://cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/elasticsearch:7.9.3-135 after 4 retries. Abort
I have tried to access and download the files manual by calling 'podman login' and 'podman pull'. This works as you can see below...
$ podman login cp.icr.io/cp/cpd -u cp -p XXXLogin Succeeded!$ podman pull cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/wkc-init-container:1.0.133Trying to pull cp.icr.io/cp/cpd/wkc-init-container:1.0.133...Getting image source signaturesChecking if image destination supports signaturesCopying blob 76b9354adec6 doneCopying blob a591faa84ab0 [========>-----------------------------] 8.9MiB / 37.6MiBCopying blob 52c952a5cd3b done
Does anybody has an idea what the problem is?