Hello Andrea,
You could use the build update, and potentially only allow the status to be changed, this would give the user the ability to review reg interaction before marking them as dormant
In the case you wanted this to be done automatically you could have a schedule workflow (if none is already running on the reg int) that look at all Reg Int and sets the status automatically based on the defined business logic.
The workflow would be rather simple: Start and Stop Stage, with an applicability based on the date, and an operation to set the status, plus potentially an email to inform the various users
Future release could provide you new option to consider
Christophe Delauré
Original Message:
Sent: Thu December 22, 2022 10:15 AM
From: Andrea Mugherini
Subject: Dormant or Idle concept
Using the Regulator Interaction object to track exams issued by a state we sometimes come across records that will remain open for years but there is not a need for work to be done on them. These records we consider dormant. While we can manually set the status of the record to dormant, but that requires a bit of manual work, we are looking for more of an automated or systematic way to handle this. something like, last modified date is > 6 months so the status changes. Does anyone do something similar or have solved for this?
Andrea Mugherini