Data Governance - Knowledge Catalog

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  • 1.  Data Quality Analysis for Birth Date

    Posted Mon August 21, 2023 11:25 AM


    I need to analyze birth date of our customers in IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog. Format of data is YYYY-MM-DD to analyse i wrote this data quality definition.

    IF R exists and len(trim(R))<>0 and month(R) = 2 and year(R)%4 = 0 and year(R)%100 <> 0 or year(R)%400 = 0 then day(R) <= 29 else day(R) <= 28 OR IF month(R) in_reference_list {'4','6','9','11'} then day(R)<=30 OR IF month(R) in_reference_list {'1','3','5','7','8','10','12'} then day(R)<=31

    In summary IF birth_date exists firstly checks february condition (for leap year) then checks for other months. But IBM WKC does not allow this complex rule. How can i simplfy it? Can i use more than one if in data quality definition?

    Gizem Tepecik

  • 2.  RE: Data Quality Analysis for Birth Date

    Posted Mon August 26, 2024 06:36 PM


    We do have 190 sample that may provide the results you need -

    You can use this simple formula to get the results you want:

    IF Field1 EXISTS THEN Field1 IS_DATE

    HOW MING (Felix) YONG
    Senior Data & AI Technical Specialist - Information Architecture