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CGOC to DataOps ThinkTank - the what and the why

  • 1.  CGOC to DataOps ThinkTank - the what and the why

    Posted Wed June 24, 2020 12:38 PM

    Hello! My name is Aliye Ozcan, one of the hosts for the DataOps ThinkTank.

    IBM is migrating the CGOC to a community-based platform, investing in digital communities to enable more dynamic interactions and more effective knowledge-sharing with peers, subject matter experts, and thought leaders. This new platform includes the ability to host forums, self-managed webinars, virtual meetups and workshops, and member-created resources, including blog posts. The DataOps Think Tank will provide CGOC members better and faster access to a greater amount of relevant information.

    To learn more about these changes and what to expect, read the FAQ hosted here

    Aliye Ozcan
