Cloud Pak for Data

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5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

  • 1.  5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 01:41 PM
    Are you aware of the Share An Idea feature within Cloud Pak for Data and Cloud Pak for Data as a Service? If not, the next time you log into your CPD portable look at the Support section on your screen (check out the image below). If you click on the “Share an idea” icon, it will transfer you to our IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers. 
    🎟 For one raffle ticket entry, have you noticed or used this feature for CPD before? 
    If so, what idea did you add? 
    If not, why is that or what prevented you from submitting an idea? 
    🎟 For an extra raffle entry, what kind of ideas would you expect or like to see in this portal? 

    Share an idea 

    Brett Witteck


  • 2.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 01:47 PM
    I have actually submitted an idea there when we were having trouble because our database connections required longer URLs than the Cloud Pak interface would support.  That was kinda resolved with a less user friendly workaround, not as nice as we would have liked.

    Steve Prior

  • 3.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 02:01 PM
    Thanks, Steve! I am curious, how was the experience of submitting the idea? Was there a solution you had in mind when submitting that idea that wasn't addressed by the workaround?

    Brett Witteck

  • 4.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 02:08 PM
    What I would have liked was to be able to use the normal web database connections interface to set up a connection and have IBM relax the URL length limit.  But instead I've got to use a different method.

    The ideas portal was the approach suggested to me by our consultant and IBM contact, but the need was fairly urgent for us and a significant pain point so the ideas portal didn't get us the reaction we were hoping for until I used other means to get it worked on.

    Steve Prior

  • 5.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 02:03 PM
    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for your input! We'd love to take a look at your idea, would you mind sharing the link?

    It sounds like this could be a common issue, given how often we see lengthy URLs. Is this regular issue for you and your team?

    Daniel Klahn

  • 6.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 02:12 PM
    Here's the link:

    The long URL is needed because we need to use Oracle Connection Manager and a "thin" connection.  Lots of parameters end up in the URL that way.

    Steve Prior

  • 7.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 03:24 PM
    As awkward as the workaround in CPD 4.* is, it's a major improvement over what we had to do in V3.*.  The only workaround anyone came up with in V3.* was to define the database connection manually in the config files in the pod using an ODBC connection and then do an initial discovery in one of the deprecated screens (I forgot which now) and then that would add the connection to the project and could be used in subsequent Data discovery jobs.  So only the CPD administrator (me) could define new database connections.

    Steve Prior

  • 8.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 01:49 PM
    I'd like to see a "low bandwidth mode" in CPD.  Not that the network connection is inherently slow, but because the CPD installation is in an isolated network on our internal network and then gets proxied and with remote work goes through a VPN, things like the animations will often crash the browser.  Makes using CPD very frustrating.

    Steve Prior

  • 9.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 01:52 PM
    What if  you were able to track a users navigation patterns and then from this data derive new ways to enhance the navigation menu to make it easier
    for users to find things for common use cases/patterns ?

    I have seen the Share Idea feature but not used it. Too consumed trying to figure out the complexities of how to use the miriad of features effectively

    Thomas Kochie

  • 10.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 02:05 PM
    Hey Thomas, that's a good point, and will have to see if that work is being done or considered. I'd also be curious what that navigation menu could look like for an easier user experience.

    Hope you have a chance to check out the Idea feature sometime soon!

    Brett Witteck

  • 11.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 02:19 PM
    Another thing I'd like to see addressed is support for CPD installs in isolated networks.  This is the environment our installation is in and neither the OpenShift install or the client machines can access the Internet.  The documentation says this is supported and we're up and running, but since the version jump from 3 to 4 the process of installing patches or version updates has been made significantly more difficult.  When we first got ver 3.* running it was possible to download some relatively small patch files, transfer them into our isolated network and then install them.  With v4.* you basically have to re-mirror the entire installation image which is around 100G.

    Steve Prior

  • 12.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 02:32 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:18 PM

    Some enhancements to the documentation would be really appreciated.  For those who can check out IBM case# TS008546083.  I just spent nearly a month trying to get the IIS REST API to work using basic curl commands which turns out to be really easy if you happen to know that the password you should use is actually the generated API key for that user instead of their actual password.  This is mentioned nowhere in the IIS docs and in fact there are no CLI examples using curl at all, only the IAAdmin command which basically hides the real call that is being made.  The docs are at:

    A week ago I would have killed for this one line example to be added to the docs:

    curl -k --basic -v -u admin:<APIKey>

    Steve Prior

  • 13.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 05:18 PM
    It should have UI creation capability for quick demo to customer.


  • 14.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 05:18 PM
    It should have GPU/TPU capability for IBM users.


  • 15.  RE: 5. 🎟  Do you have an idea or request to enhance Cloud Pak for Data? 🎟

    Posted Thu March 24, 2022 05:35 PM
    I like to see in CP4D more integration between the different services that are offered over this technology.
    Moreover, it is not clear when services is running over CP4D.
    For example, when using Watson Studio, the concept of CP4D completely disappears. 
    I would propose to always show a CP4D menu.

    Monica Balatresi