Cloud Pak for Data

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  • 1.  🎟 15 minutes to go: Cloud Pak for Data Innovation Jam

    Posted Thu June 23, 2022 12:46 PM
    15 more minutes! 🎉  
    🎟 How do Cloud Pak for Data and Cloud Pak for Data as a Service compare to other platforms you have tried?
    If you haven't tried other platforms, what keeps you coming back to Cloud Pak for Data or Cloud Pak Data as a Service?


    Brett Witteck


  • 2.  RE: 🎟 15 minutes to go: Cloud Pak for Data Innovation Jam

    Posted Thu June 23, 2022 01:03 PM
    Excellent Questions,

    The bottom line why I've STOPPED "Trying Others Cloud Platforms" is because I've become STUCK / ADDICTED in the way IBM administers its cloud infrastructure.

    AWS, i've heard, is the MOST DOWN "Cloud Platform" of them all.  But you can "trust but verify" this yourself.

    Martin O'Shield

  • 3.  RE: 🎟 15 minutes to go: Cloud Pak for Data Innovation Jam

    Posted Thu June 23, 2022 01:09 PM
    I think that IBM has its stengths and weaknesses.    It is strong in AI/ML Scanning / Privacy,     It is weak in lineage, stewardship, work flows, and discovery for end users.

    Michael Colbert

  • 4.  RE: 🎟 15 minutes to go: Cloud Pak for Data Innovation Jam

    Posted Thu June 23, 2022 01:21 PM
    Hey Michael, 

    Great points! Could you tell us more about these strengths and weaknesses? I would love to learn more about what makes AI/ML scanning and privacy strong for you and what weakens lineage, stewardship, workflows, and discovery.

    Brett Witteck

  • 5.  RE: 🎟 15 minutes to go: Cloud Pak for Data Innovation Jam

    Posted Thu June 23, 2022 01:44 PM
    When I use competitor products they have deep data lineage that will read and load data lineage from ETL Tools, BI Tools, Reporting Tools, and Database Platforms.   Just connect the data catalog to the tool and in comes lineage data.      This data can be tied into workflows where data stewards are assigned work tasks to verify new or changed data assets. 

    Also in competitor products it is ease to define custom data assts, their relationships, and attributes.   Their GUI then allows a rich flowing experience from one data asset to another.   Complex relationships allows data to be defined related to the relationships.   Think about as an end user what do I want to do.   Follow the lineage tree stopping and changing direction at will.

    Michael Colbert

  • 6.  RE: 🎟 15 minutes to go: Cloud Pak for Data Innovation Jam

    Posted Thu June 23, 2022 02:04 PM
    In our on prem install of Cloud Pak for Data 4.0.1 we have invested a lot of time in creating Data Quality Rules for tables in a schema.  But in a demo I was given of the SAAS version of Cloud Pak I have been shown that the concept of creating Data Quality Rules doesn't exist, there are only quality scores based on the automatic scoring of tables based on built in AI and the Data Classes assigned to tables.
    In addition to assigning Data Classes to columns we have created rules like "if column A is not null then column B cannot be null" and these are important quality checks to us.
    It also appears that creating Data Quality Rules is not currently in the "Data Enrichment" system which Cloud Pak is moving to, so I don't understand how Data Quality Rules will work going forward, whether that's just a feature that hasn't been added yet, and what the migration path will be.

    Steve Prior
    Data Governance Technology Manager
    Interactive Brokers Group

  • 7.  RE: 🎟 15 minutes to go: Cloud Pak for Data Innovation Jam

    Posted Thu June 23, 2022 02:12 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:15 PM
    In terms of Data Lineage this is something we have not yet used in our on prem install of Cloud Pak 4.0.1, but we are looking to start using it very soon.  We started out with Cloud Pak 3.5 and when we moved to 4.0.1 we were told that there was no automated/easy migration from the 3.5 data to the 4.0 data.  That wasn't an issue for us at the time because all the 3.5 data had been lost anyway.  But now we have a lot of data in 4.0.1 and are looking forward to the 4.5.1 upgrade, but from what I've heard there are quite a lot of architectural changes between 4.0 and 4.5 in Data Lineage so we're not sure if we start using Lineage now in our 4.0.1 installation are we just creating more migration work for ourselves later and will all of the concepts even map cleanly.

    Even this close to the initial launch of 4.5.0 we haven't been able to get clarity on what the migration issues will be.

    Steve Prior
    Data Governance Technology Manager
    Interactive Brokers Group