Master Data Management

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The MDM Q4 Beta Program is now taking registrations!

  • 1.  The MDM Q4 Beta Program is now taking registrations!

    Posted Fri August 14, 2020 04:16 PM
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    After a year of development, the next generation MDM beta is landing in mid Q4. This first installment of the new IBM Master Data Management will introduce key master data quality services to Cloud Pak for Data as a Service


    As mentioned in this blog, this first release is primarily about extending a existing MDM (IBM or otherwise), to quickly and eas­ily onboard and match new data sources to facilitate a more complete, 360 degree view of parties (individuals and organizations), AKA a Digital Twin. Armed with this capability, users will be able to accelerate their climb up the AI Ladder by using the power of MDM to match and link a number of data sources that may contain party information to their master entities. 

    What does this mean? You will be able to get all the juicy insights you need at your fingertips from customer data - making your job easier and letting you clock out early for virtual happy hour. 


    Who is the beta program best suited for? We're looking for existing IBM MDM Advanced or Standard Edition or net-new clients who want to reduce the amount of data wrangling of their data pipelines that currently is required given the nature of customer data.  Its messy and inconsistent and rarely includes a common key across different data sets - unless its already been mastered.  Specifically, the beta will focus on the following features:

    • Deploy an instance of MDM in minutes on Cloud Pak for Data as a Service
    • Quickly model customer attributes from new sources defined in the knowledge catalog
    • Augment published MDM AE or SE entities with new party details from governed data assets and other systems of engagement like social media, chatbots, and web history centered on individual entities. 
    • Match multiple data assets using new, machine learning-based technology packed with innovation to more quickly enable the creation of customer profiles suitable for data science projects
    • View and Export profile information for analytics
    • New RESTful JSON APIs for programmatic access to these key features and much more

    So, what are you waiting for? Don't be left behind, avoid the FOMO and have an impact on the next generation of IBM MDM.

    Register Here:

    See the attached flyer for more information, and feel free to reach out with any questions!

    Kelly Sun

