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Scenario: Golden Bank wants to expand its business by offering low-rate mortgage renewals for online applications. Online applications expand the bank's customer reach and reduce the bank's application processing costs.
Tutorials in this use case:
Scenario: Based on a new regulation, Golden Bank cannot lend to underqualified loan applicants. The bank needs a data pipeline that delivers concise, pre-processed, and up-to-date data on all mortgage applicants, so that lenders can make decisions.
Tutorial in this use case:
Scenario: Golden Bank wants to run a campaign to offer lower mortgage rates. The bank needs a consolidated 360 view of applicants to identify the highest value customers to target and help to determine the best rates to offer them.
Scenario: Golden Bank has several departments that need access to high-quality customer and mortgage data. The bank needs to create a business vocabulary to describe and manage data assets, and then make those assets available in a self-service catalog.