Cloud Pak for Data

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Introducing Support for Cloud Pak for Data on IBM Cloud Satellite locations

By SACHIN PRASAD posted Wed April 20, 2022 10:01 AM

We are excited to announce the availability of Cloud Pak for Data on IBM Cloud Satellite locations on AWS and on premises infrastructure. The support is now certified on CP4D v4.0.5+
Data and Devices are everywhere and as companies witness the miracles and reach of AI, they are ready to unleash its power by offering more and more data for better and accurate models, for better predictions and accurate scoring to drive revenues and customer experiences.  But, as more and more data is ready to be unlocked, enterprises now not only face  non functional challenges such as legal compliance and regulatory restrictions but technical too such as data speeds, latency, and secure transfers. 
With Cloud Pak for data support for IBM Cloud Satellite, you can now create a hybrid environment that brings the scalability and on-demand flexibility of public cloud services to the applications and data that run in your secure private on-prem hardware or even other clouds. With the recent work done,  Cloud Pak for data has tested and certified AWS (Amazon Web Service) and On-Prem locations which essentially are the most often  used combinations that we have seen in the market. .  Now, data engineers, data stewards, data scientists, and business analysts can easily collaborate and deliver value in an integrated, secure hybrid-cloud data platform, close to where the organizations data resides and without much privacy and regulatory concerns which had been a bottleneck for Cloud Pak for data customers, especially in telecommunications, financial services, healthcare and government sectors where data residency and its movements are tightly controlled.

Capabilities Available
In order to deliver consistent data fabric experience across various form factors including Satellite locations, following capabilities have been tested and are being certified from Cloud Pak for Data SRE 
IBM Cloud Satellite on AWS Satellite Location
IBM Cloud Satellite on On-Premises location
  • WKC
  • Watson Studio
  • Watson Query i.e Data Virtualization
  • Datastage
  •  Db2
  •  Db2 Warehouse
  •  Cognos Analytics
  •  Match 360 i.e. MDM
  •  Planning Analytics     
  •  Watson Discovery        
  •  Watson Assistant    
  • WKC
  • Watson Studio
  • Watson Query i.e Data Virtualization
  • Datastage
  •  Db2
  •  Db2 Warehouse
  •  Cognos Analytics
  •  Match 360 i.e. MDM
  •  Planning Analytics     
  •  Watson Discovery        
  •  Watson Assistant    

Install Procedure
CP4D MultiCloud Engineering team has done a tremendous job of not only testing these combinations but documenting step-by-step process to install  IBM Cloud Pak for Data V4.0.5 on supported locations.  At a high level, one needs to go through the following steps to install Cloud Pak for Data on an IBM Cloud Satellite location:

Follow the hyperlinked documentations below for the detailed steps to install Cloud Pak for Data on supported satellite location.
This year,  Data Fabric is an important go-to-market strategy for Data&AI and IBM in general. I am sure that  Satellite support and co-location of data would open up whole new possibilities and opportunities for our internal and external clients & customers equally.   I would like to congratulate the entire Engineering and SRE teams  who were working relentlessly to bring this on time and with high quality.


Author :
Sachin Prasad (Lead CPD Product Manager)
Mahesh Dasora (Multicloud & SRE Lead)
Malcolm Singh ( MultiCloud Product Manager)
Priya Ranjan (
MultiCloud Eng)

